I'm asking for a whole lot of help lately! Website designers step in!

Hey guys, I’ve been doing research on something I have no background or education in, how to design the website I want. All I know is wix because they’re commercials are fucking everywhere. I see there are so many choices, I’ve been browsing forums, seems that squarespace, weebly, wix, and strikingly for example are the most recommended for beginners. I don’t want to make anything complicated. I’d like a site where visitors can submit info and browse on a single page and be able to filter out based on one column of info if needed (so they don’t have to scroll the whole thing).

Think of like glassdoor where people can anonymously submit data after signing up, submitting their income and occupation (just an example not what I plan on doing).

For a random example, a spread sheet with 3 columns of gender, location, occupation. You fill in the form and it adds it to the spreadsheet. If someone wants, they can filter out the search for what they’re looking for.

I’m sure my description of what I want sucks, but it’s the best I can do for now. Even wix’s top plan is only 25$ a month. Overall goal would be to make a decent looking site and maybe have some ads on it to generate some income.

isn’t that what glassdoor already does?

I’m using glassdoor as an example of the format that I’d like. What I want people to submit is totally different.

On a 1-10 in website design I’m a 2 or 3 (used to have a weekly based site hosted for a digital resume) but what you are looking for is a database with php and mysql. Start here: http://www.easysite.com/how-to/create-your-own-database-driven-website-with-mysql-and-php-for-windows-54679/

I’d talk to the IT guys where you work, any reasonably decent admin will know how to get you started. Hell, I’m pretty sure you can host something on a Raspberry Pi to start tinkering with.

Any website that users can send in data take a whole level of coding to make sure you don’t get your database dropped by a rogue entry and people like me.

Do you have anything programming related? Javascript, MongoDB, and Bootstrap can build a simple data page like this in an hour. Deploy to Heroku or Red Hat shift and you are good to go while you build. For our rapid prototyping, we use a blend of MeteorJS and NodeJS with Blaze or React as the front end.

I guess experience is I am more of a app/dev than a web designer/UI guy but prototyping and MVP for ideas is what we do so stuff like this is super easy and fast to build.


Everyone loves ole bobby tables.

Most of the security, testing, exploiting is basic. XSS injections, shitty SQL code with unsanitized inputs, remote includes, and WordPress sites. Its amazing how many sites in Buffalo are exploitable.

Just saw these fellas. And no I don’t have shit for experience, I have an idea that I believe to be profitable and I’d be willing to share it with someone who knows this very well and would like to hear my idea, but what stops them from telling me to suck a dick and stealing it lol, I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. I have my ass on too many other seats for me to dedicate time to this. I’m sure there is some kind of agreement that could be signed? But after doing some research a website cannot be patented really, the internet is about providing services and if someone can do it better than you people tend to use that service i.e. google vs gay bing.

A NDA agreement will prevent someone from disclosing your idea and also your business but you need to make sure they are not too broad and not too specific. Most people won’t sign them if they are too broad since they can restrict them from doing other work even in a non competing manner.

If you want to patent something, you typically would be better off with a core feature and would have a little chance at something like, “a website that you can buy cars”. If you have a legit idea, NDA would protect it when talking to developers and a working site is a barrier of entry in it self for someone to build it unless it is something super unique and upcoming that would be sucked up by a big dev shop to try to better build it and release it which in that case, you would have something unique you would be able to start claiming IP on.

Well the domain name I want is available and it’s .com so that’s a start. But the agreement thing is useless if I cannot find anyone who’s interested AND capable of doing this on their own, it would be an investment in time on their part and all I could do is offer support in the form of funding.

The complexity of using the data later is your largest concern combined with actually incentivizing users to provide said data. This would be a larger undertaking than you’re probably initially considering and likely would burn a decent amount of money for a period of what would most likely be years. I’m not dissuading you from chasing any idea - I’ve done quite well chasing some ideas that initially seemed to be an uphill climb. I’m simply saying that you’ve got to consider how you acquire the data from users and the costs associated with that plus how you plan use the data to generate profit later. That’s all.

As stated here, the basic platform to simply collect a basic database as you’re suggested via a web portal would take myself or a developer no more than an hour or two to toss together. The business model around it is the crux and will be your largest hurdle in getting traction.

I mean funding for a project is mostly what sells. People that want something done and are like “I have $50 and some string to offer” turns devs off but overall, if you know the build time is something you understand, then someone will be willing to do it. Just look up a template NDA online and start to strip out parts of your idea you find unique and can go from there too.

Well I’m not going to pretend I understand any of this stuff. I guess if I come across someone that would be willing to sit down with me for ten minutes over coffee/lunch (I’d pay of course), I’d be willing to share what I believe is profitable. I’ve never dabbled in IT before but I’ve done enough investing in other sectors to have a great understanding of making money.