So I want to make a website...

I want it to kind of look like this…

What would be the easiest way to design it? I want to just screw around with this, who makes an easy software to use?

Basically I need a site to give us credibility…

we’re currently using (pathetic, i know)

I want a calendar of events, about us, our affiliates, a place for letters from happy past clients, etc etc…

What software should i use?

Ok, if i wanted to do it myself, just for learning purposes to get a rough idea/draft done… what would be easy…

I remember the days when i did html/pagebuilder etc etc… that was super easy. something as simple as that perhaps?


you could download dreamweaver

It’s gonna be hard to do something spectacular though. The page you posted was done by a good professional.

It doesnt need to be that impressive… but it needs to be wayyyyy better than what we have…

I KNOW i could do better. lol

Im downloading dreamweaver… is drupal a pay for somebody to design it? or can i design it using their stuff?

With help from a friend named google, you can use drupal easily. It is just a CMS

Ill take a look at adobe when it finishes… and then go from there…

some of the demo sites on drupal would do the trick just fine…

Thanks for the help thus far.

Dreamweaver will get you what your looking for, its just learning it that could be a bitch. Its not easy but it does almost anything you could want it to.

lol. Thats what im afraid of… meh, how hard can it be… :lol:

drupal is a Content Management System. You get a server, and a database setup, and just install the drupal software. From there you apply different themes to your site, and edit the pages/content VERY easily.

For you, it would just be a matter getting the site up and running. From there, making changes and applying new themes is easy.

can i design it in drupal or design it and import a site into drupal?

that’s not how it works

find a “theme” you like, and build the content up that way. Do some research on drupal, it’s pretty cool/.

Will dooo… <3

For someone who never designed or works with web technologies, I am not sure custom themeing a CMS system would be the best starting point…

But what do I know.

you can download some pretty nice themes. No custom ones needed.

pay for a designer… 300 bucks you are good to go

Exactly. It will just look like shit… At most you’ll pay 1200 bucks for a design, coding, and something you can update yourself.

edit: Actually for your needs, Use word press, and have someone theme it for you. 100-200 bucks depending how indepth you need it… and word press will have plugins for everything you need.

I can make you a site if you want. I can use drupal or any CMS that you want to use after the design is done.