Database webpage for n00b

Okay so I want to make me a website. Basically I have a group of businesses that I want to connect.

In most basic terms I need functionality to allow two things:

  1. A user to be able to enter their info for different attributes of their services (some custom, some pic from the category style).

  2. A user to be able to pick attributes they want and be returned with those entries that have what they look for.

And of course all the other layouts and navigation bars and all your other standard stuff. Pretty simple really, if you are knowledgable, but in this field I am not. I do not code, nor do I want to.

So what course do I follow? Are there applications out there to allow a noob like me to do something like this in a rather computer illiterate fashion? I willing to spend some money to buy/lease software. When I say some I mean hundreds is okay, thousands isn’t. Or do I need to hire a Huge Nerd to do this for me? I’m not really feeling that approach as that is costly.
Your [intelligent] input is appreciated.

I have some free time this week to take on new projects. IM me and we can talk about exactly what you need. I am pretty cheap for local clients and can finish quickly.

Database programming is my main work :slight_smile:

My AIM is BBGun200.

I am way over booked, or i would offer to help. Look into .net if you want simple database, however that requires using code.

If you can wait like 2-3 weeks, some of my projects will be completed and i will have more free time to build you something simple. What i am working on now is a pretty complex dataset that tells our drivers where to go based on the days shipments. Data is extracted from our ancient servers and passed through the mappoint api to leave them with a preloaded GPS of their day. It also enables us to track their activity mainly where they are, where they should be and if they are on schedule. Among many other things that it gives us.