Looking for someone to update website

My website desperately needs to be updated and I am looking for someone to do so. The site is www.blastoffny.com and it is so blah I don’t even want to look at it. I’m wondering first, what it costs to have probably about 10 pages and about 50-75 pictures added and maybe two or three videos? Second how long would it take?

Also looking for someone to help design a logo and a mailer.
Also, possibly to update our brochure.
Could also trade for sandblasting or sodablasting services.

are you talking about just content being put onto the site? or… someone to update and make it look nicer. It could use a little bit of modification with padding at first glance.

edit: and UGh fucking tables…

blast off services? haha sounds like ur launching satellites

sounds like you are a fggt and have no reason to post in here

I would like it to be updated to look nicer. I know it is horrible it was meant to be very temporary but ended up staying too long.

just have dozr do it… if you get someone else to do it you will just have to listen to him tell you how much it sucks

edit: surprised he’s not up in this thread yet!

or it sounds like we blast off coatings…

lol don’t worry about him, he thinks he’s funny…

i have a friend that could probably freelance this for you, how much are you looking to spend ?

I would have no problem updating it and not telling you how much it sucks, I will also do you a favor and use CSS instead of tables.

I have pm’d you my email address send me a description of what you want.

you can definitely find a few guys here that will be able to do this for you.

I bet drdos can set you guys up with a hip, fresh myspace profile.


i was thinking the same thing…



Yea, weren’t you using some cool Camaro in the logo or something?
Man, that website is old… :slight_smile:

Just bumpin it for you.

PM Sent

  • more including tables coding / SEO Optimized and w3c validated.

but i think Dozr might be a more affordable solution.

Yea I doubt he needs a site loaded with unnecessary flash animations