WTH: Web Designer

So my companys website sucks, real bad. I am interested in having someone redo the whole thing. So if you have the skills pm me or point me in the right direction.

If you want a good laugh www.executivedimensions.com


If you really REALLY want a joke of a website, take a peek at www.kbski.com.

I am always in dismay at how atrocious that site is. A 5 year old with a box of crayons could do better.


ill talk to my friend and see if hes up to it… his website… www.sonikempire.com


tell them I sent you they will hook you up… low price, good work, good group of guys.

They did our website template, I put all of the content in though


edit: lol they are apparently redesigning their website, so bad example of their own site…

I know they did buffalorising.com and new era, can’t remember the others

I’ve got a guy doing my company site now, I’ve known him since we were at RIT a few years back now, when he was doing mind-blowing, cutting-edge stuff. My site should be up for you to check out sometime next month, if you’re patient and interested in seeing what he can do. Awesome rates/pricing, too.

if it’s a small company, just buy a $50 template online and replace the default data with your companies shit.

it’ll save you a fuckload of time and money.

^ That sounds appealing, but I dont have the time to waste to fill the template in


Check ourt my bro inlaws site he does some nice work! Send him a email a tell him TJ sent you here.

a friend of mine majored in college for this and does other peoples websites on the side i could talk to him for you he is really good.

my parents do that kind of stuff check out evadware.com and look at some of thier work

FWIW, Only one person mentioned in this thread is a NYSpeed Sponsor.

If dozr cant/wont do it, I will. I do web design and graphic art for RIT, and run these websites:


I do more of course. I’ve also done magazine ads for new era performance, and hundred’s of photo manipulations for my past jobs.

Let me know.


Dozr advertises here, id say support him!!!

Dozr or me :smiley:




Bump, Dozr call me

If dozr can’t or doesn’t want to do it, I do freelance scripting for a local design firm, and am always open to new projects