Need comments

what do you guys think of that layout?

i am curently working on it right now. thats just the foundation of it all.

most of the site is gonna be in flash… just need some feedback on it, if ppl like it or not.

Very nice! And smooth! :slight_smile:

i like but took like 1.2 secs on cable, hate to be on 56k

It was instant for me and I have DSL…

Looks good i like it, loaded right up for me too. :gotme:

i dig it.

ooh - silver and grey. :tup:

instant for me too…but I have cable. artzicap, do you have a ton of downloads or something?

I think you are wasting some space on the sides there. Also the Text is not that clear, you still have to really look to see what it says, it does not pop off the page and grab your attention. I like the overall idea, but that stuff could use some help.


I approve. The colors are easy on the eyes and all.

Thanks for the positive input guys :tup:

that’s cuz ur old and ur eyes are going on ya :wink: hahah. but i will take a not on that and try to make the links a lil larger.


I like it…I need to make a webiste to host pics and the videos we make this summer:headbang:

Well… I guess if you are going for the unoriginal, wannabe look and feel that was done with about 1/10th the finesse, with a ton of goudy bevels and shadows, then it’s alright. :stuck_out_tongue: I keed I keed.

But honestly what is here? its a centered one column layout. There is no content on the page, so how am I supposed to tell you if your layout works, or not? Websites are about the content, the architecture and the usability, which are all much more important than the look and feel.

Making it attractive is a final step, and even so, perfection in design is achieved only when no more can be taken away, not when no more can be added.

It looks as though you have just random stuff in this just for the sake of having random stuff… what are those blocks on the left? What is with the wierd looking eyeball things in the background? Do they serve a purpose for the site, or are they art for the sake of art?

What is the purpose, or goals of this website, is it self promotion? If this is the case, what would be the point in building a flash site? There is nothing to be indexed, there is no content, your SEO will be very poor. There is nothing wrong with using flash, but use it for the right reasons, not just for the sake of using flash.

Good Luck, and feel free to hit me up on AIM in the evenings if you want.

Yes it is just the layout right now. There is no content at all. I am just getting the base design done for now. Soon as i import it in flash and do the animation of the site. Content will be added.

Yes those will be animated when i import into flash. They will serve a purpuse of just for looks and effects. Again the site is not done yet and it just the basic layout for now. Just the static design of it for now. To me what makes a cool web site is misc animation, that will keep the person attention on the web site , and not a simple boring web site like the stuff you might be used to?

The purpose of this site is to show future clients my work that i have done, and to keep a progress update of sites/art i have been working on. Look at all the top web design company sites such as 2adv. They have very cool looking websites with plenty of flash and misc bullshit that is not needed. To me that what makes a cool web site. Again i know we have differnt tast’es. But please take a look at it one more time when it is copletly finished. [/QUOTE]

Thank you :tup:

The logo is too complex and out of proportion or something. Why not just the chevrons? (If you don’t know what a chevron is, it’s a V shape.) Those could be the same overall height as the logotype.

Portfolio is misspelled, aside from being in a font that currently matches nothing. If you’re going to use a sans serif font for your logo, perhaps you should be consistent with your site font.

Your copyright is from 2001. Should that be updated?

Overall, it’s a very slick looking site. Keep in mind that Flash animation needn’t take up an entire page. You can have tiny Flash animations filling in those boxes and keep the download weight of your page nice and low. I would only use Flash in areas that absolutely require it. Navigation excluded, as your site would be completely inoperable without Flash. Also, when outputting the .swf, make sure you keep it down to the lowest version number that supports what you have in the Flash movie. There’s nothing more annoying than a site requiring Flash 8, when there’s nothing in the Flash file that used any newer additions to Flash than version 5 (or lower).

Yes. thanks for the tips. i will keep that in mind.

I am still debating if i want to keep the navigation i have set in there now.

Thank you :tup:[/QUOTE]

Well it’s obvious that I am not going to change your opinion of good web design… so I’ll just leave you with this.

Flashy motion and effects driven sites are a thing of the past, or they are good for a one time visit, and usually have a well known site to drive people to them. The internet is moving in a direction where you either have to be a good flash developer or designer, a great “web designer” who knows good markup, DOM, etc, or a good backend developer who understands that front end matters in order to get a decent job.

Many major corporations are seeing this shift and realizing the benefits. See sites like,, They all recently went to content driven standards based sites and are all doing incredibly well since relaunch.

You can show off some sweet flash stuff, but it doesnt mean the entire site has to be flash. I work with some of the best flash developers/designers in the country, and they still understand the importance of good code, ethical use of flash, SEO, etc. Even 2advanced usually only uses flash in parts of thier client sites.

If you have to go all flash…
We just launched a great flash site about 6 months ago that was still very usable, has good accessibility, and decent SEO. It uses animation to enhance the content. This was about the best use of flash for an entire site that I have seen, and it still includes a text only version.

Check it out.

Another great flash site:

Yes i completely understand what you are saying. and thank you for the tips. My site will be flash driven. but again wont be ALL flash and take 5 mins to load in.

Please give me some time to finish the site up and when it is done ill be sure to show you for a final word.

Also keep in mind i came up in web design age when flash was the big thing , and my fav sites where xeofreestyle,whoswe and 2adv.