How does it look?

My first site…


random breaks on the “about us” page, not sure if it was intentional. cute site overall

“We have been serving the
upstate WNY area for over 8 years now and have no intensions of quitting
anytime soon!”

I believe it should be “intentions”.

Not positive as both words are similar.

Also you spelled details wrong, and there are ad’s at the top of the page which take away from the cleanliness of the page.

When looking at a detail page there are only 2 things as a consumer I’d care about.

  1. Lots of before and after pictures to see how good you are.
  2. General pricing.

What happened to your original idea??



Honestly, it looks like something an 18yo kid threw together.

what does what ryan mcell said have anything to do with it not looking good he just said its needs lots of before and after pics which there are and pricing which i said depends on vehicle and condition of vehicle… what would make it look better?

Ya I would take out the breaks <br><br /> in that about us paragraph. It might look ok on your screen but you’re getting breaks from the picture next to the text, so you don’t need the extra breaks.

I would also change the “DetailzDelivered” to a graphic of some kind, it looks plain and generally crappy, and I think the pages would look alot better with something else in that spot besides the red text.

Looks good, did you use that godaddy website tonight thing?

with the before/after shots…they are too far away you should get a few that are close up showing the detail. also, not enough befores, they are mostly after

mmmmm ok and the graphic i founght with for hours i have an banner but the site wants you to write on top of your image and cuts half of it off and you cant delete that box… here is what i had

Theres a lot of after pics. Some close ups of swirl marks removed is huge.

well i gotta go do a car so i will take some before and after close ups…

I just tend to hate close ups in detail threads … I know what they are trying to show you but its like what the hell am i looking at lol

I don’t like the slide show. I think it would be better to just have before/after pics next to each other so you can just see what interests you the most.

The picture of the C5 at the top of the page is grainy/pixelated. Might want to work on that.

The home page looks so damn boring. It does not have any design quality to it. Try adding a picture or two, along with better fonts and a more appropriate layout.

Then dont you think just a whole page full of pics would be boring?

still trying to figure out the program and would like to add some type of music to the home page…

try just editing the source code, go into your pages with a text editor, and put this in place of the text: “<img src=“” width=“468” height=“72”>”

I think you are going to regret using that website tonight program though because of problems like that.

What I meant by before and after is this:

Make a link at the top of the homepage page of actual work done.
On this page make an individual page for each car done with a brief description and picture of a car:
Ex) Picture of your Audi with info below stating name and work done.
Each of these pages contains start to finish of work pictures and descriptions
Starting with beginning condition close ups of swirls, paint damage, etc when the car was dropped off, or when you arrived on site.
Prep work showing how cautious you are with minor details. Taping off, or whatever needed.
Progress pictures of your process.
And then up close finished pictures to show no more swirls is key. Show the reflections you brought back and the shine.

From 20 feet away a car can look brand new, but have tons of swirls in the paint still. I know if I were to seek out a detailer I’d want to see the removal process on previous cars.

Also show a page of products you use/support. I am always interested in to hear what people use (but that’d because I enjoy detailing myself).

As far as pricing I know it varies on what they want, and based on car and condition, but you can always start with basic pricing. Even hair salons have basic pricing depending on what you want.

You can say $20 wash, $50 wash and wax, $300 full package* (or whatever you want to give a general pricing for)

  • prices vary between vehicle and conditions free quotes before work is done.

Hope some of these ideas help out.

Just a quick Google search of detailing website in NoVA

Similar ideas I posted above, and definitely help his site look more professional.

probably why its free :mamoru:… but thanks guys i’ll keep working on it