How does it look?

:tup: good luck!

Not necessarily. It’s boring having to sit through a slide show when most the pictures can be glanced at quickly.

Keep at it. It’s def a good start.

Looks like a decent site, and more importantly the work looks good, but more pictures are definitely needed. Seems like half the pictures are of headlights, which I don’t think really gives a good feeling for the quality of the detail, though the buffing does look good as the headlights go (or whatever process you use - I buff them)

I’d say, bigger pictures, lose the bubbly transition and instead have a mouse rollover effect, and a line of medium-large pictures down the length of the page. Some guys say that’s boring but if you really want to get the details than that’s the route I’d go.

Alright how bout now???

I definitely approve for the picture setup, but the music is a tad overdone, especially repeating every 7 seconds, and being relatively hardcore.

Pricing page also very well done.

thanks… Yea the repeat on the music pisses me off too but it needed something

Any idea why the videos dont show up on my work pc? its that they are and they dont play, they just dont exist…

overall its not bad, its not great, but it works.

change the font… to… anything else though. Use something pleasing but standard so people don’t get default fonts. Use vista/office 07 fonts, calibri, cambria, myriad, verdana as a last resort… Also way too many slideshows on the front page that take forever to load.

edit: oh wow did not notice the music since i had itunes playing, get rid of that ASAP lol.

lol to no music or try and load a longer song? Any songs come to mind?

looks good buddy

music is ghey though

i know… i need suggestions just delete it all together or longer different/song?

:tdown: on the music. Better off not having anything.

and +1 on too many slide shows.

why too many? before it was to boring now its too much…ugh i cant win with you guys…

I didn’t ask for more slideshows! lol.

Definitely ditch the music, it’s too imposing. I would say that no music is best.

The top slide show is fine for the first page, add the before and afters to testimonials.

The music just sucks up more bandwidth, and is just on repeat, it’s annoying. Band websites are ok with music, retail is not.

There is too much going on with the slideshows…One is enough. Are your services done over the phone? No address is mentioned at all. Does that website tonight program include SEO?

Where’s all the JB?

how much do you run a detail for

prices are on the page…

And theres no address because the Details are DELIVERED we come to you