Anyone want to got to Formula Kartways (the one in Brampton) TONIGHT?!?

I swear none of us were given 15 minutes on the track. Last time I went it felt noticeably shorter because I wasn’t nearly as tired when I got out of the kart.

There were very few spin outs, that required the staff to jump out and push I was really impressed. I am sure they were expecting waaaay more spin outs judging by the reaction on their faces. Everyone could throw down and hold it down. The proof is in the pudding; I have seen other groups run and they all have spun out a lot more with less aggressive drifting. I’d be happy to run with anyone that day again for sure.

I should probably come out to one of these events. I’ve always wanted to try out that place and gas karts and compare to electric.

lol, good vid.

good vid and awesome quality Santi!