Formula kartways reopening

Hey guys formula kartways is re-opening November 20th they got new shit now like faster carts and night racing where they turn off the lights and all you have is headlights on the kart.
Thought I’d let you know


Brampton boys, we can now have our Go-Karting like last year!

ill be there

Im SO down for this. Cost? :smiley:

I think its 25 bucks for 25 or 20 laps

Sick shit, much better than gay ass GPK. Are they governed?

They’re governed by the amount of travel on the gas pedal. There’s a “stopper” that can be adjusted behind it.

Oh okay, so it’s not like if you’re doing well someone can slow you down or vice versa? Cuz that shits gay.

Yea I’m not a fan of that at GPK.

I got karting to have fun, not to actually shoot for race times. I drift majority of the time, lol I have a vid of me and Budgel from last year doing the entire course tandem haha.

:lol: Same shit as me but it’s gay because GPK governed me for a lap since I was “drifting too much” and “causing other people to spin out.”

No Chris. There is no remote control what so ever.

Out of all the kartways I have been too. Our home town place runs the fuckin show!

We must all meet up again…have a drift event? lol!!!

I just wanna rip tekkk mang!!! Love karting. So excited!!!

Anyone know exactly what they did to the track this time? Rather than just reversing the first and last turn like they did a year ago?

:lol: I’m down for the drift event, I just weight transfer my fatass and get sideways.


remember last year martino.

we choku dori’ed that shit

allll wayyyy rounnnnddd

They run the track reverse sometimes and I’m pretty sure that’s all they are disclousing btw prices dropped 20 laps is 23.51 compared to 27 something it used to be


I don’t remember paying over $25 lol

And faster karts if you ask for them
or some shit like that

I’m down for a drift-kart event :slight_smile:

Maybe Might just be losing my mind definate possibility

We definitely should get another event going like last year.