anyone want to move to....

i am enjoying the 85 degree weather. lol

as am I:ohyeah:

I lived in LA for awhile, Hawthorne to be precise. The cost of husing by FAR is much higher than out here(Buffalo). One thing that everywhere else in the country thinks is that NY is NYC. Not true!

Someone mentioned the hundreds of multi-million dollar homes in the hils out there. Not here! It was just last year when the very first residential house in the Buffalo area sold for more than $1m. Buffalo has median house prices in the bottom 5 in the whole country at $45K. Median home prices in San Diego is $477K. San Francisco median $657K! No way in hell are housing prices anywhere near the same.

Traffic 24/7 you bet! I lived it. I lived 3mi from work and it was a half hour drive each way. When I moved out I planned on getting to Phoenix the first night. I left LA at noon and made it as far as Riverside by dinnertime. Five hours around 70 mi, that’s it. When I go out to visit my sister I stay with my cousin in Castro Valley which is 18 mi from her place in Concord. On a typical day it’s around 50 minutes to get to he house. Yeesh!

Language barrier? Only if you get frustrated becuase you can’t even order a value meal at a fast food place because they can’t understand you and don’t give a crap if they do or not.

The community and people are different. They’re different all over, no kidding. I find that around here people are more into socializing with friends in larger groups. Going out is the norm. Out there I see people being less apt to just hop in the car and head to the local hang out. It’s just different, that’s all.

Automotive prices are actually about the same. I’ve worked on my own cars out there and I work on my sisters too and prices are virtually the same. Cars in a whole lot better shape though. Makes me jealous. Want to drive that modded car out there? Sure, try it!

The weather is super and as far as earthquakes that’s no big deal. I’ve been there when they occured and it’s like a train rumbling by. No news. Of course these were all tiny ones.

It’s not for me, but even though I keep trying to convince my sister to move back here she’s staying out there for sure. It may be for you or it may not. You’ll find out soon enough.

You summed up my feelings/thoughts very very well (although, I would be interested in moving back eventually).

It’s funny to hear people who did not grow up with earthquakes talk about them. I went through several of the big ones, including the Whittier when I was young and the Northridge. They are over in 30 seconds or less (often times WAY less), and most people out there are like me… they’ve lived with them all their lives, so it doesn’t phase you all that much. Buildings have been upgrading to ensure minimal damage, people have the big pieces of furniture bolted to the walls (people laughed at me out here when I tried to do that to a big dvd rack I bought… but that’s the norm to me), etc. Little ones in the 4 barely even stir up conversation.

no shit huh… im bout an hour south of you in san antonio

Too many people think SoCal = L.A… there is also this place called “San Diego” that some of you might have heard of, probably only from watching Anchorman I’m sure.

I’ve been to LA a few times and its not definitely not somewhere I would live, but I love living in SD. Theres less people down here and in order to hit traffic you have to go looking for it. Beaches are better, malls are better, higher ratio of hot girls, people are less fake, job market is great for people with degrees in technology, sales, and management, and its much more relaxed down here compared to LA.

So before you go bashing on SoCal, realize that there is a lot more to it than just LA. That’s like me saying Western New York sucks, just because I don’t like Buffalo.

Just what this forum needs, another “i hate buffalo, i wanna move and never will” vs. “i’ll never leave buffalo, it’s the greatest place in the world, blah” thread.

everybody has their own opinions, preferences, etc etc…why must every “i’m moving” thread turn into this annoying shit where the die hard buffalonians are attacked by people that use to live here, or still do and talk about moving away. none of that is helping Chris find a roomie for his move.

GL with the new job if you decide to take it mang…cali can be a cool place.
