anyone watch Jericho?

lol I thought it was based off of Clive Barkers story for a game he did last year. Apparently it was canceled for poor ratings (I’ve never even heard of it)

I saw it on netflix on demand and it got great reviews so decided to watch a few episodes. Pretty cool show so far. I don’t dig the “seventh heaven feel good moments” but the post-apocalyptic scenario is pretty cool.

It’s well written and acted, about 6 episodes into the first season. I highly suggest giving it a shot if you’re looking for something “new” to rent. I has almost a Lost feel to it… a lot of mystery.

Check it out

It was my fav show till it got canceled.

I watched it once, never got into it because I always forgot to watch it.

It was ok, im glad they stopped it when they did and it had good closure.


I saw the first 3-4 episodes and it was pretty good. A little overdone, but it was early yet and they were still establishing stuff.

I was surprised it got cancelled too.

later on in the season it gets much better :tup:

(just finished the episode where the “marines” come to town)