anyone with shipping hookups??????

well, I need to ship a couple of items and I need to ship them asap. My need to know if anyone can ship these items for me at a good price???

please get back to me asap. thank you.

i work at the UPS Store. not sure what i can do for u, but i will let u kno when im working this week so u can stop in.

Im just bascially looking for an employee discount type deal. please let me know what your hours are and if you can help me out at all. thanks

I get my employee discount at Fedex/Kinkos…not sure what the exact percentage is off but I can call tommorrow and find out…give you an idea I just shipped a 17inch tire for $7.

when are you available to help me ship asomething??? I have to ship my slicks/rims. They way no more than 15lbs each. Id like to ship them asap for the buyer.

ok, someone please pm me when your working and where i can go. Id like to do this tommorow but i have to go to work right now.

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