love these post! it’s always the same people. with the same exact story.
i used to , i used to have, these r my old owns, i used to race, i thought i could, my dads faster. i was good racer or rider to i fell of and broke mt uterus. wahhhhhhahhh
noboody cares about ur old shit if u use to ride.
i think the question was simply. does any one ride and what do u have.
y start a new thread just keep adding to the old one’s. there all the same exact post like u guys posted and copied over , over , over , over again. then only difference is who started the dam topic.
i used to race a t-rex (dinosaur) at the tar pit oval back b4 the snow. there was an unforutnate accident… my t-rex and broke a nail and we went head over heels. in to a fire piy (crying a lil ) that damned dinosaur sacrificed herself to save me from the fire pit (sobbing heavily now). i ended up with a lil fire damage to my uterus several broken finger nails and sum tarred ass cheeks. i gave up racing that faithful.
end rant. on with the topic now LOL