Anything fast in here?

I’m down down for a fun run. AT the track.

The last place I want to be is next to you if you happened to completely get sideways at 130mph.

And the last place I’d want you to be is to be next to me if I happened to lose traction at 130mph.

not to mention ITS FUCKING NOVEMBER. To equate my traction, you’d have to divide by 0, twice

who the fuck is eddie

He’s a guy that was named Edward at birth?

o/p is a cool guy . his shit is slow as hell . ill leave it like this his shit is faster than any car on here at this moment

doesn’t mean I don’t want to run him for fun.

there’s always something faster, it’s just the fun of racing mainly

actually u on kill mode and if ya hook could be a very good run … but i wil vouch for o/p he is a good guy . ya may need to give him a sobriety test before said race but , he is legit lolol

lol me on “kill mode” = me on slicks at the track. fucking car is useless on high boost on the street. Myers can attest to that, due to some good ol highway boost testing

ok i just logged on t his morning and noticed this thread produced 17 pages over night. then i read this and im loling really hard now.

bro, im sure uve been told this but as i have no read anything further than this post, ur crazy. haha my man lumberjack has a sickkkkkkkk TT cobra.

e-man he is starting shit on purpose lolol . he is fine and his shit issss fast

So this is Ed with the S10?

oolololloololololololololololo0lolololol no jellies , its e.v ya dumbass

I saw Ed. EV’s name is Eric

This guy?

You rang?

Smokin got trolled so hard in this thread, havn’t seen trolling like that in ages. Well done OP.


dang you could tow a bigass boat with that thing

yah I did.

I was actually getting frustrated too lol. I thought it was one of the retard facebook trolls just spewing shit off.

ok so im done reading all 17 pages and what ive got is…

  • this dude spells as good as john
  • name is eddie
  • has a fox body with 450+whp 500+wtq
  • john knows him and says his shit is faster than anything on this site
  • will race anyone for nose candy
  • likes penis on or around his upper lip while money shifting
  • profit?

IT’s cool. It’s funny. Lesson learned though.

There are a few cars that I can think of that can play with 450whp. Appears the car is setup for legit dragging though.

doin it wrong