Apostrophe S

Only for possession (Jim’s car) and contraction (Jim’s late again).

NOT “chicken burrito’s.” Nope. Those are chicken burritos.

NOT “Mustang guy’s.” Nope. Those are Mustang guys.

Not “put the CD in it’s case.” Nope. The CD goes into its case.

CDs, DVDs, GTs, RSXs, MP3s, etc. NO APOSTROPHE! It’s a PLURAL!! Yes, I know, it’s hard to fathom because you’ve been bombarded with it incorrectly all your life.


that’s bs.

word’s like that confuse me

IB4Pumices Seizure

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wait what if Mustang Guy’s is describing some unknown guy. As in “Did you see what happened to Mustang Guy’s car?” ? :lol:

Its vs it’s is a little tricky. While the apostrophe normally indicates posession, in the case of its vs it’s, the apostrophe indicates a truncation. (I think that is the correct the term.)

Its = posessive
It’s = It is

Contraction. Listed in the 2 uses I mentioned for the apostrophe. There’s one other use - to indicate omission. (I.E. - don’t = do not.)

It annoys me when people get it’s and its wrong

It pisses me off that people at work use “M” for thousands and “MM” for millions

It angers me that “there, their and they’re” is incomprehensible to most people

But the other day I saw someone use weer for “we are”… now that deserved a rant


Don’t you actually have a degree in English? I think don told me that. If so, that rules.

So’s confusinges. I don’t gets it?

Nope, no english degree. I have a bachelors in computer science and a masters in business. But they put me through every honors class known to man, so the endless novel reading, weird philosophy papers and writing a senior thesis made it feel like an English degree sometimes.

I’m down to kick back and rock out a l33tsauce txt msg like n01’s bidness, but when you are trying to convey an idea, I NEED to see some adherence to 3rd grade grammar rules. I’ve given up hope that it will have good subject transitions though, otherwise I’d cry every time I read “professional” emails and resumes.

i’s concur.

it’s much better if you dont’ take thing’s like this and rant on about all the gramatical problem’s when half the people he’re dont’ even know proper grammer.:snky:

When yous say yous is it an apostrphe s or just an s?


NOPE. WRONG. In the English language, I think (now I’m worried I’m wrong) technically the case owns the CD so it would be “Put the CD in it’s case.”

Put the CD in it is case!?

thank’s for all the info :smiley:

i love the internet’s

That would be “Put the CD in it is case.”