APR Chip for the new Audi RS6...WTF!!


Check this shit out! Ri-god-damn-diculous!

hot damnnn

holy shit

in for the free 6 hour trial!

APR <3

mediocre torque increase

yeah id say so, not much to gain, im willing to bet F1 T0oNing would get atleast 10% more than APR for a fraction of the cost :rofl

Lol! It’s funny that they don’t even list a price. It’s prob absurd like $5k plus.

Side note, APR just came out with an intake for the TDI. Chip and exhaust coming soon??


Holy fucking TQ

it goes 128 in the quater too haha

dude that JUST a chip!?!?!? FUCK ME is that thing a diesel?!?!?!

Wow!! That’s pretty serious!

quaRter you jamook

I would like to see VW put that in the new Lambo

Notice the fuel being used as well. 104 octane RON.

Is the rs6 coming here? Drivetrain can handle all that power? Fucking insane…

big boy power



True. Here’s the 98 RON (eqiv to ~95 oct here) plot: