april 19th saturday LVD test and tune whos going

Then it’s possible. I haven’t looked at the OBDII protocol that much but there are some ways the car manufacturers can deviate. It’s very well possible there is some condition. Given your setup, does your trap match what other people are making? Regardless, fix that problem and re-try. It can only help you in some way.

I actually just posted the vid and info on an audi forum and they are all saying that my trap should be closer to 115-119 on the race fuel program. Just gotta get that 02 swapped, clean the air filter and head back on a cooler day/night and see what happens. I should also get those snow tires off, haha.

yea right blizzaks ftw

1.7 60? Looks like the snows are doing OK.

the track surface temps were hot and sticky. Plus AWD helps too.

True, but I think I can get into the high 1.6’s with a little more practice. The 1st run I actually burned the tires pretty bad.

i saw a 12.5 and a 12.3. was the 1.7 the best 60ft of the day? what was wrong with mikes car?

1.741 was my best 60ft of the day which was the 12.3. Nothing wrong with his car, just he wanted to see what it was going to run on street tires and pump gas. Hid trans was messed up too.

nice. do you have the same kit Cole D. has on his blue S4? mike was on M&H bias ply street tire?

I don’t remember what cole had on his car. I am pretty sure he is running the same turbo’s but not necessarily APR software. Is that car still around?

Mike was on 100% street tires. Not positive on the brand, but def not the M&H bias ply’s and/or slicks.

those are pretty good times you got there, are you still having issues with the transmission?

The more I beat it, the better its working. I have the money saved for when it finally craps out, but until then I am just going to run it.

Thanks man!

thats good to hear, i like those 60 ft as well, is this your first time launching the car at the valley?


I think I can get them into the 1.6’s, gonna try anyway. It’s a heavy car, so we’ll see. It was the first time at the track for me in this car and each run got better, so I am confident I will get 11’s once all the little kinks are worked out and more practice.

thats allright cause i was out launching it last night for you while you were at work ;D

unlike that DSM…the Z06 is 100% street legal…

But it got beat by a car with a fraction of the price/displacement. That’s pretty damn cool.

not a dsm its a hyundai and it is street legal still he had it out on the road last year when i stopped at my buddies house in ct

Yeah but it’s a DSM drivetrain/motor, the only thing Hyundai about it is the shell