April 30 Track Day Official Results

That makes two of us. :smiley:

The spec-V in 9th is impressive as well. It beat a lot of fast cars.

why must some of you say stuff like this ?!

Omg it beat this, omg it got beaten by this, omg this must be better than that…

'Cause it’s racing I guess. :slight_smile:

There’s obviously a huge range of track layout vs. car characteristics, driver skill and experience. This track really rewards driver skill and tight suspension. Horsepower is secondary. That’s what makes it so much fun!

This was my first time on a track, my GTR has stock suspension, and it’s a pretty heavy car for such a tight track. I’m measuring everything I can, working on my car, and seeking to become a smoother driver with a goal to improve my personal best each time out.

I, for one, welcome the opportunity to compare my time to others’. Progress, for me, will be to beat Brad (9th place Spec V) next time. :slight_smile: I’ve got more horsepower, but he’s a more skilled driver and has some autocross experience under his belt. His car is nicely set up too!

My performance improvement after lunch had more to do with a couple of ridealongs with Brad over the lunch hour than with course changes. Thanks man!

Racing without comparing cars & drivers is like lapping by yourself. It’s just missing a dimension of the sport.

Too much fun!


I don’t think I did so bad since it was my first time ever… 20th for the win :E

I don’t suppose you have all of the times to post Dave? It would be nice to see how the times progressively got better. I know I had a couple of runs there that just broke 1:30.

I don’t think I did so bad since it was my first time ever… 20th for the win :E[/quote]


Good on ya!


I don’t think I did so bad since it was my first time ever… 20th for the win :E[/quote]

True that man. I hope i can do that well my first time out… :smiley:

I wasn’t saying anything about one car being better than the other, i just thought the spec that high on the time list shows that whoever was driving it knew what they were doing.


No kidding. Brad’s a good pilot.

Unfortunately, because the way the timing gear saves the info, compared to the way I thought it saved the info, to get that info would be very onerous. Hopefull we can save all that info for next time.

I know it might be kinda tough, but it might be worthwhile to ask Fernando if they can hook you up with the program that they have for the RX7 club. It’s simple, effective and you can queue like 200 cars if you wanted and still be able to change the order around. It just places all of the info straight into an Excel file. Plus they have that kickass little FM broadcasting system which helps keep people from bothering the guys that are doing the timing.

Maybe you could trade a couple of entries for the next event for the programs? The only time I ever saw their system mess up was human error.

Ours will do, I just didn’t know how to properly save it.