April 8th 780 again

BP’s down town sounds cool.

So who’s comming?
1 Nis240
2 RS13

thanx for putting my name up :E

but i am comming :rolleyes:


Put me down as a maybe. I have to work that day, but I should be done, home, showered, and downtown on time.

You better come. I want to compare sportlines to s-tech’s.

1 Nis240
2 RS13
3 PyreXXX (Bring the brake lines :E )
4 N_I_S_S_A_N_240SX

1 Nis240
2 RS13
3 PyreXXX (Bring the brake lines )
4 N_I_S_S_A_N_240SX
5 Silvia_180sx

I’ll be there!!

Nice Flavio. Very subtle.

1 Nis240 (Bring the chicks you promised :D)

meeee to dont forget about me… comon flavio

I might come out before work, but I can’t really promise anything.

Ill head out after the hockey game, going there with the chuch group, have to put in as many hours with god as i can seeing as ill probably kill myself this summer in my ride.

If i can get a cell number i can call and see where you guys are at when the game ends

Time to update this show

1 Nis240
2 RS13
3 PyreXXX
4 N_I_S_S_A_N_240SX
5 Silvia_180sx
6 93vg30e

1 rolledmymazda
2 chromedragon

So this is the BP’s jasper ave, and the parking lot that is north west of it by like 30 feet, right?

^^^^^^ Yes the parking lots beside BP’s.

I’ll be there in the Cadissan!!!

What time?

can i drive by and yell “heaters” ?

I thought it was a Nissilac??

We are meeting in the north west lot of BP’s on jasper at 845 and rollin out about 915

1 Nis240
2 RS13
3 PyreXXX
4 N_I_S_S_A_N_240SX
5 Silvia_180sx
6 93vg30e
7 silvia_s13

1 rolledmymazda
2 chromedragon

1 Nis240
2 RS13
3 PyreXXX
4 N_I_S_S_A_N_240SX
5 Silvia_180sx
6 93vg30e
7 silvia_s13
8. DrifterX

1 rolledmymazda
2 chromedragon

i’ll be there

Everyone still commin?
Weather is not the nicest but the weatherman says it gonna clear up tonite.

I should still be there. My guts are acting up - but that’s what the drug store is for. :slight_smile: