April Fools!

What are you fuckers doing this year?

im thinking of faking my death or something, but im not married to that yet.

anyone cookin a good plan?

yep! I was gonna start this thread but got distracted…

I’m taking my gf to my mom’s (2.5 hours away)for the first time on Friday. My little brother is like 11 or something. On the down I am going to tell her that he is my kid, I had him when I was only 14 and we decided to have my mom raise him since I was so young. Adding to that I am going to say he looks enough like my younger sister that no one would ever figure it out.

I’m going to tell her like 15 mins into the ride so she has the whole time to think about it before we get there.

we are gonna shut off topic down…


Faking your death is a really bad idea…just saying.

I agree.

lol @ Travis. That’s going to be a really uncomfortable drive.

lol at travis.

Renaming the forum Pittspeed.

Not bringing back Fight Club? :frowning:


You guys’ pranks suck. What ever happened to saran wrap on the toilet? You know, funny stuff.

im going to put a rubberband around the sprayer on my kitchen sink so when my gf goes to fill the brita it will get her all wet :slight_smile:

She gets turned on by water purifiers? WEIRD.


whatever gets her in the mood…

I’m thinking I should talk to her about us renting a house soon and having him come live with us.

lol Jam cant satisfy his lady so she turns to water filters

What was she dating before him? A soup can?

I think I’m going to buy an A4 wagon.

Want to go clubbing?