Best april fools prank ever

Taken from OT

Last year I pranked a friend with a letter from “The Dean” saying he was under investigation for plagiarism ( after he told me he paraphrased an english report ) and he freaked the fuck OUT.

This year, Im hitting HIM with a state income tax audit, and my parents with a federal income tax audit :rofl:

Oh fuck I can’t wait :bowdown:

EDIT: For those of you new to this thread, I have made a template for you to do the same thing I have. Here are the instructions: ( on page 5 as well )


1st step:

Download this WATERMARK, and print it first. DO NOT adjust the image properties. Just click okay if it says its too big.

2nd step:

Download this LOGO, for the upper left hand corner. Print this SECCOND, and again, click OKAY if it says you printer cant handle the size.

3rd step:

Download THIS word document, and add your recipients name to the top. If the signature doesnt show up, sign your own. Print this on TOP of the other two that you already printed.

Once you are done, it should look something like this :

Enjoy :slight_smile:

:rofl: :rofl: That is wrong. Let me know how well it worked!!

what program do i use to open it?

Acrobat reader.

a PSD is a photoshop file… (that’s the first two)… and a DOC file is a Microsoft Word file… I dunno if other photo programs will open a psd… havent ever needed to try ;)… as for word files, if you dont have it and you have works, there is a plug-in for works that will open it

I need a good office prank for Friday… I’ve got a good one, but the only person that will fall for it will probably have an anxiety attack.

Anyone have a disk I can slip into my GM’s computer, that on start up will make him think he has a virus??? :x:


fuck, no programs on my work comp will open it.

If i can find it i had a file that was pretty cool… You send it as an attachment in an email and call it w/e you want (w/e will get them to open it)… and then it starts asking “are you sure you want to delete everything in the C:\Windows folder?” and then starts shutting down… wont let you do anytnign to your screen, and then the screen goes blank…

then a lil while later, you get a “…” on the screen … its for some computer game called Virus or something

if you just put a floppy with random files on it and when he boots up
he will get to an all black screen that says

NTLDR missing
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del

You just need to take out the disk to remedy…

I also have a disk that will erase any Windows XP password (if he has one on his computer) and reset it to w/e you want… I usually just erase the password, and then go reset it when i get into windows… takes less time and is less risky… Then you can draw w/e you want on the desktop… stupid shit like that… I used to work w/ a guy that got really pissed off at me for that… cuz no matter what he did, he couldnt keep me from hacking into his computer :slight_smile:

we do that all the time to people, but we usually add another floppy drive and leave it inside the case so they can’t see it.

i had a program that ran in the background (done with visual basic) with no icons, if it was a certain date/time it popped up windows evaluation period has ended then rebooted the computer into a fake dos program i made in pascal (changing the autoexec.bat file) and said “formatting c:\ do not restart” after it was done doing that it would load fake dos at a c prompt wiht commands that if you entered dir showed a fake directory listing of nothing but c:\dos autoexec, config, and command, and then modified autoexec back to original and deleted the wineval program i made so when rebooted all was normal and gone. it was my april fools joke turned senior project in highschool

haha! nice

it ended up me and my buddy worked on it for a couple months adding fake dos commands to make it look real, damn i wish i still had it i think it was on a long time ago when that was still up