Architecture pones me

So this is what college is for me. When I was little I expected college meant having your nose in a book at all times. I was sooooooo wrong. Im a 3rd year arc student, and this is my most recent model. Im a little proud, but thought I’d show the monotony ive subjected myself to over the course of 3 days…

These are the pieces of my model. This pic is roughly half of them. All 2"x1/4"x3/32" plexi pieces, half clear, half mirrored. All have a .125" frame around them. I made all the pieces and frames. I hate rectangles now.

This is what they went into. Its a wall that stands in front of a building on South campus (Diefendorf). Its meant to replace an existing wall that acts as a shade on the north side of the building. Its not a very exciting design, but its very structurally sound. Also, although it looks totally random in its construction, a very detailed system dictated which piece went where.

Wall Model, in site model

Outside, sideways

Its not nearly my best work, but figured id share what ive been doing for 3 days straight :bloated:

Best part was I got to play with the plasma cutter, its hoTT in more ways than one…

you poor poor soul.

I absolutly cringe knowing what you are going through.

After a year of that joke i was a ghost in that dept.

lol I <3 arc, seriously. Id rather be doing this than memorizing crap…

Ughhhhh god no. There is nothing worse than arc studio.

I do like you design though.

my only critique , and this is my own opinion, im sure it has a reason. . .

I love the form the bottom 2/3rds take, the top section, looks out of place, almost thrown together. Again, im sure there is a valid reason for this.

Wow… I like it :tup:

Top floors of the building is offices = less wall for more of an open view

bottom classrooms= less of a view out, while carefully angled mirrors bring in exterior light, and present moments of whats outside the room

Its all about manipulating light, and what you can/cant see from inside the building…

ok coolio :tup:

Will the reflected light possibly blind students??( I do like it)

I hope so. Its actually aimed upwards so it reflects on the ceiling of the room.

Well, it was worth the time and effort. It looks damn cool!!!

BTW, I wish I did that stuff when I was at UB. I was always working in groups and “making” new products and services which isn’t that bad either but not as cool.(marketing)

very eye-catching… i like it, good job



How long did that take you? It took me 8 hours to figure out I was using the dilute ammonia thiocyanate and not the saturated. Thus, no fading. Thus, a waste of an entire day. :frowning:

Cool shit, thx for sharing. :tup:

thats sweet im a second year arc student at UB and im going through hell right now

lol I always see your kaa around, whos your professor, shadi?

good job, another project down. many more to go

yeah, her and torben, the rest are just TA’s…and ive got matt, hes cool

ah word. Im probably posting from the room next to you then lol