What I have been up to this week.

well, after a week and a half of drawing rendering an apartment complex i designed for studio, I finally get a breather before tackling the hand-made models all due friday…I’m pretty proud of how these came out so i figured i would share and see what you guys think as i know alot of you mess around with CAD, StudioMAX, and such.

the renderings were done with autodesk VIZ

^took this, turned it into this:

they could be better, but as far as the time i spent on these they were “quick” and “rough”

Looks nice, did you do the design work? Is this for school or real-world work? Only thing I can think of is more contrast betweent the lights and darks. But I have never used those specific rendering programs so I’m unaware of it’s capabilities.

Reminds me of some of the time I spent in college taking Architectural Illustation classes. Basically doing what you’re doing but drawing and rendering by hand…fun stuff!

how long did it take from start to finish?


Looks nice, did you do the design work? Is this for school or real-world work?


yeah i hope you gettin paid for this

this is school work, im a senior at UB for architecture. essentially its real-world work…

its for a real site up in toronto on the corner of Spadina ave. and King Street

drawing+rendering probably took about 35hrs or so.

not bad, assume this is for school since its educational version. I know office buildings are easier since a lot of it is repeat/duplicate. I touched architecture a bit but ended up going mechanical.

nice nice
I love 3D. I design ethanol, hydrogen, oxygen etc chemical plants.
Love my job.

shall I post pics?

PS-shouldnt you be working and not on AIM

oooooooo busted!


nice nice
I love 3D. I design ethanol, hydrogen, oxygen etc chemical plants.
Love my job.

shall I post pics?


heck ya, we could turn this into a rendering thread lol. i have some of a famous building over on the asian side of the world from last semester…ill go dig it up

i cant find the final layout of the poster but these were all the images cobbled together…“Koshino Residence” by Tadao Ando

you make me remember why I really wanted to go into architecture.

very nice work!

thanks guys, feels good to have made it this far…this is bar none my best semester yet.

nick thats awsome, Great work

Nice job nick

I really do not miss studio LOL

Now get a job!

^ hook me up at your place in june/july dudebro!


I know office buildings are easier since a lot of it is repeat/duplicate.


adding materials in viz isn’t too bad if you layer it right in cad.

the only pic i have on my photobucket. this was easy, i know


gah. this is the kinda shit i wanted to get into when i was in highschool. too bad i couldn’t catch on in some of the more simple classes.

great work

not that this was hard, just wanted to show the correction to the crappy rendering i posted above


real nice man. thats cool stuff :tup: