whos got cad files of anything automotive related?

i now have 3ds max 9 AND inventor 10, so im looking for any cad files anyone has

as long as its automotive related, doesnt matter what it is …



but i think you have to pay, and they are not inventor file types, rather AutoCAD files

i drew a few wheels.header and a manifold…nothing complicated though

I have an assembly of a 3000gt two piece drive shaft somewhere that I did FEA on for ressinence(sp) frequency

if you’re using 3dsMax… i assume you are looking for 3D drawings specifically, not an just engineered print.

Have fun with 3dsMax, it’s a sweet program…it just takes a loooooong time to render. I had one drawing take 40hrs to render w/ a fast computer.

engineiring prints work too, im not gonna discriminate :slight_smile:

i have a bunch of dxf files for laser cut flanges. some turbo flanges, some head flanges, probably a cat flange or two…

:wstupid: Even using an Oxygen workstation at school years ago I had an animation file run a weekend. You can do some pretty sick shit with it tho.

oh mine is a solidworks drawing, i forgot the extension

inventor isnt too bad until u get to some reallly large crap…I think Inventor has a sample of a lawnmower carb…well the old one that I had did…I dunno about 10 I havnt looked at the samples in 10 yet

u should send 3dsmax my way

I have a bunch of wheels I made, a car (tbird) and a few other automotive things in 3Dsmax… what do you need them for?

im going to be building a number of different things eventualy.

t bucket plans project- which will likely result in the entire rolling chassis being built in 3d
intake manifold for a :snky: nitrous project
various TC / SC projects people have proposed
FIP’s awd focus project

so i figured id just post up this thread b4 i needed anything specific and see what i can get my hands on early on

^ dont worry, ill have that rendered before you will lol. but first i need to get in contact with my buddy’s dad who works at WEST HERR…he said if i told him what i needed the info from, he would get a guy to bring up the exploded views with dimensions from the parts dept. computer :smile:…then i can EASILY render the parts and design my rear suspension and front crossmember and steering solutions

yea, but im sure ill be looking at stuff and refiguring :stuck_out_tongue:

well, in that case… I HIGHLY suggest not using MAX for this sort of thing. MAX is more suited for for “looking good” rather than accuracy. For design, you’d want something more along the lines of Solidworks/AutoCad/UniGraphics. MAX could “probably” do an ok job but I guarentee that it’s going to cause alot of problems in the long run

if I misunderstood, then disregard this post :stuck_out_tongue:

well, it depends if im aroudn this summer, i might be in boot camp. we shall see. if not ill see what i can dig up. im gonna go post up on the focus boards cause there are ford parts guys on 'em

i have inventor 10 also, i just got it installed today cause i had to mess with the cab files so the installer could find them properly

now i just have to learn how to use it, lol

lol well if ya need any help, just let me know… I’d be willing to give a hand. I don’t have inventor, but I do have solidworks/3ds at home (and I’m pretty proficient at them, so if you get stuck I may be able to lend some modeling techniques your way)

I have inventor 10 if u need help…Newman is damn good at it too…I havent used it on a regular basis in a while but I can use it