are there any free downloads for spyware

just wondering bc my computer is dragging… has Adaware and spybot. dl em both.

thanks man

MS AntiSpyware

MS AntiSpyware Beta might need some finessing to bypass owning “real” Win XP.

If you can’t find another download for it (since MS makes you verify things when downloading) here’s a link.

^^ Most informative thread evaR.

thanks Daddie. :wink:

I use both of these constantly… never any problems.

:tup::tup to both of these programs

Most spyware is a free download… :gotme:

Viruses are generally free too. :wink:

good thread i was actually just wondering about this

i think my comp is infested with uber amounts of spyware

lol… true true… that I was thinking when I first read this threads title.

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