Damn Spyware

Who has a free REMOVAL tool. Not Just a friggin scanner. I am not paying 30 bucks for anything

try spy sweeper

and pray to god you dont get the omega search shit spyware on your computer…it compltetly hi jacks it


^works good for me

ive heard good stuff about spy sweeper too

I had the same problem yesterday… I figured my work computer would be OK… yeah right. I ran Ad-aware 6 and found 23 registry keys/cookies/ and remnant of a virus!

Matt~ If you can’t find anything free, I can probably e-mail/mail you the .exe files of two programs my friend gave me for my comp @ work.

download for free ,adaware 6.0 and spybot search and destroy and that should help alot

spysweeper will still find traces of spyware even if you run ad-aware and spybot

spysweeper > *.spywareremovaltools

ohhhhh cookies … big whooop :rolleyes:

it’s all trivial… most of the time people are just stupid as hell and don’t UPDATE their scanners and continue to find nothing… please just update your virus defs and spyware scanners daily… it’s pointless to scan a PC with old config files.

spysweeper is ok… i suppose. i use adaware (i give 8 outta 10) and pest patrol (9 outta 10) …but pest partol takes FOREVER and is required to scan your pc, reboot and rescan twice… good app though.

damn… I ran ad-aware yesterday afternoon, and already I’m finding more shit… :mad: :mad: :mad:

I guess I should run it on my home computer too… :hs: