Are you sick and tired of your door!?

Lambo doors or any type of doors are past just take alook at this door set up!

I would like to know how they really did the set up for those doors.Anyway,really cool.

lol I didn’t know!sorry, but still, the doors are really cool!lol

This does not belong in Technical.

…I think I should consider teaching a part-time course in “Interwebbing” - there certainly seems to be a large market out there.

+1 on that baller status

thats not a stock option on that car is it??

and check out these doors in dubai


im sure this isnt a repost?

That has to be the most useless thing ever…

Imagine your child in the back seat is trying to get out and the door closes crushing and/or slicing them in half while you are watching…that would be soo awesome!