Anyone participate in yesterday’s hare scramble race? I did it for the first time and holy hell was I in for a surprise when after like half a lap my wrist pretty much stopped responding. lol Overall in was a pretty sweet experience but I just wish they utilized less woods area and/or at least cleaned up the woods some. So anyone else go?
The whaaa?!? Sounds interesting though.
I always wanted to do hare scrambles back 10 years ago when I was still riding, but there were none in the area at that time.
sdhfiuhsadf That I thought it was next week!!! No hurry to get the RMZ back together then lol. Last time I went for practice, mad a session felt fine. Went for the tower the second session, crashed snapped my clutch lever and rode the rest of the day with only my finger then after that session it hit me like a train.
I never got enough balls to try the tower jump, that turn comes up waaaay too soon for my skill level though. I did make the jump before that a few times,
I wish I got more time in there before I had to sell my bike