Area Prom Pictures

:naughty: :naughty: :sex: :naughty: :naughty:

3 and #5 are straight up ganstas :slight_smile:

Balla yo. :hahano:



lol, did you see the people that went to prom in a helicopter


and… :zzz:

Dude its MC hammer

too legit mother fuckers


making fun of someone in a wheel chair!!! :zzz: :wtcslap:

“Danny, Lost use of his legs after his best friend driving slammed into a tree.
The friend mothers grandam was destroyed upon impact.”

x 2 :stick:

I wasnt making fun of him, i didnt even say anything about the photo. just posted it.

the whole heicopter thing i think is a big ass waste of money and a dumb ass idea y not use the money for something more useful like a stripper no ofense but the guy doesnt look like he gets all that much if you know what i mean

I think its nice to see that guy making it out the the prom :slight_smile:


his girl looks pretty damn good as well :slight_smile:

I give that girl a big thumbs up for going with him. Its nice to see that there are people out there that do care.

Sadly, just after this picture was taken, a short gust of wind was caught by Ricky’s ears and he plummeted down Mt. Washington to his death.

I dont care if she’s a fatty, im not gonna leave high school with my virginity!!! All my LAN party friends are gonna be SOOOO jeaouus!!!

I like big butts and I cannot lie…
