Arista Premium B&W 400 ISO 35mm x 36 exp.

I took a B/W photography class this semester and I have 4 rolls of film left. My 35mm camera was stolen so I have no use for it anymore

Its decent film for the price of $2.19

you can have them if you throw me 3-4 bucks for shipping

expiration date of 11/2011


i’ll take them! paypal sent. they fit regular 35mm camera right? lol

yep. I’ll ship monday.

man, who the fuck steals a 35mm camera?

i took a film class a while back, still have the $20 mamiya i got off of egay heh

yea the shitty part is that it was my dads that he has had for like 20 years. surprisingly he wasnt too pissed.