armed standoff on NY-190 near Ontario St.

every retard that plays COD and R6 has a hard on right now :wink:

Maybe he kidnapped her.

more than likely, well into football season

Really glad I did sit there watching the TV for 3 hours. lol suckas

This cost me a lot of $ as i didn’t get any work done :frowning:

Pedestrians on the 190?

Ch.4 reporters were a bunch of morons hahaha

I mean… shots fired? Theres a man down??

HAahah they’re gonna keep playing that shit over and over.

Honk, honk.

one of the channel 7 guys said it was warning shot… what a fucking retard ell ohh ell

they just showed the vid of it again… didnt even seem like the flash bang even bothered him

“Back to our prime time tv”

and now they’re still on this shit.

When they replayed the video it looked like the flashbang went off in front of the truck. Maybe tried to toss it in the passengers side window and missed?

Most exciting thing to happen in Buffalo since…

oh nvm.


regardless i dont think they even needed it since they already were at his door before it went off

ya, id say so too.

i wanted to see pink mist

More than likely did not want to throw it inside the vehicle for fear of hurting the guy. They’re not considered lethal, but they’ll fuck you up pretty good.

The reporting on this was just plain awful. I live maybe half a mile from the scene, I heard the flashbang go off and I knew WTF it was. “A warning shot” and “sniper fire” comments from the reporters were absolutely hilarious. I’m pretty sure even my girlfriend knew it wasn’t gunfire.

Sensationalism in the reporting throughout the incident was enough to make me sick. Oh well, good job to the blue team.

my favorite comment was " theres a man down"


I sat and watched all night…I kept telling my girl its gonna end in gun fire just the way he was acting.I was SO disappointed how it ended. I thought they shot him on live tv and got all excited, then realised it wasnt a real bullet.
