armed standoff on NY-190 near Ontario St.

seriously i want to see this jackass get taken

fudge yea, snipper rifle his ass.

75 cent bowling at tonawanda lanes tonight!

Hahaha, I love it!

I’ll follow this up with some hockey action, and life will be grand.

traffic wont be bad… should be lanes open too


the channel 7 reporters are horrible

lol ill be there haha GO STARS

Yeah this is cuttin into the Dallas/Detroit game, time to get work done on this situation.

lamo to the bowling comment

dude if i watch all this bullshit and someone dosent die or someone dosent randomly throw a hand gernade or some shit… im gunna be so pissed

they are even local?? wow this guy is a winner

they are just droning on over and over with the same phrases. Just make something cool up, or someone throw and m80 so the cops go nuts and swiss up the truck

i wont be… lol im in san antonio ! go stars too! cause if they win, they play the pens in the finals… and thats closer to me to see a game :slight_smile:

You and everybody in my office

lol id love to see one of these pissed off people on the side of the road take this dude out

Id love a kid to light off a pack of firecrackers and the cops just snap and dump mags and mags of ammo into him


apparently a florida plate on the truck?


I love the news crews trying to sound like they know what they’re talking about.

“They’re going to want to end this before darkness sets in”.

Like the police don’t have any of those portable flood lights.