armed standoff on NY-190 near Ontario St.

swat is standing arm to back!!!

Oh shit yeah.

New view on Channel 4.

new angle on 4

they are just sayin that get the flood lights out!

in for everyone being super disappointed.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL i was thinkin bout that when i posted it… not exactly the same version though

Let him wave the gun once so this can end.

Is it time to start placing bets on how this ends?

i just realized this is over taking the american gladiators return.

maybe he wasnt a fan :snky:

Keeps the viewers on their channel.

id love to see him drive off

New view on 2

lol i also love how they are completly blowing up the cops spot, “we just heard over the radios, they are going to be moving in from behind”

hahaha, damnit now cant get the tune out of my head

it would be funny if he had one of the in dash tv’s watching this all.

hahah its fucking 100 cops with guns and cool shit vs one old ass dude with a gun

100 or so cops vs 1 old ass dude

ill put my money on the old dude based on this so far

ahhhhh the darkness

fuck steve and his butt connection

fuck im out boys, gonna take all night ill check back in lata

Channel 2 is showing the roof snipers on Niagara