Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan.

So… ummm… any religion that symbolically eats the flesh and drinks the blood of their God at an altar is less Pagan? Christianity has so many pagan rituals in it… The guy is scum, regardless of the religion he comes from. How about any of the other mass killings that have happened in this country over the last few years? How come those killer’s Christianity isn’t brought in to it? What makes one religion any more or less “false” than any other? Oh, I know, it’s more false when it isn’t the one we believe in. But turn on the God Squad channel on TV on any given night and watch the idiots “healing” people in the name of Jesus (while the collection plate is being passed around), and tell me that is more “true” of a religion. What the guy did was unforgivable. If he did it in the name of his God, even more so. But to lump his entire religion in to that… is closed-minded… when you realize how much killing and how many wars were fought in the world’s history over our Christian god. But it’s OK when we fight for Jesus.

EDIT: Oh, and on a funny note, I better have sex wherever I go after I die. Or else I was believing in the wrong Christian religion.