Those Crazy Dutchmen! v.Anti-Quran

I’m sure this will go over well with the worlds muslims.


Dutch Lawmaker Releases Anti-Quran Film

By TOBY STERLING – 1 hour ago
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) — A Dutch lawmaker released a film highly critical of Islam on Thursday, setting verses of the Muslim holy book against a background of violent images from terrorist attacks.
Geert Wilders posted his 15-minute film on a Web site. Shortly afterward, Dutch television channels showed segments of the film and broadcast discussions by analysts on the possible impact of its release…

The Dutch government had warned Wilders that a film offensive to Muslims could spark violent protests in Islamic countries, like those two years ago after European newspapers published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
Dutch television refused to broadcast the film, and Wilders had difficulty finding an Internet platform willing to host it.

The film shows statements from radical clerics and cited verses from the Quran interspersed with images of the Sept. 11 attack on the United States, the 2004 commuter train bombings in Spain and the murder later that year of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh on an Amsterdam street.
His movie begins and ends with one of the caricatures of Muhammad, accompanied by the sound of a page being torn from a book.

Subtitles assure viewers that the page was not torn from a Quran, but from a telephone book. “It’s not up to me, but the Muslims to tear the hate-sowing pages out of the Quran,” the subtitles add.

After the release, Wilders told reporters that he made the film because “Islam and the Quran are dangers to the preservation of freedom in the Netherlands in the long term, and I have to warn people of that.”
The film is called “Fitna,” an Arabic word that can be translated as “ordeal.” Wilders suggested European culture is under threat due to immigration by Muslims.

“It’s five minutes before midnight and this is the last warning as far as I’m concerned,” he said.

Initial reaction was muted.

Yusuf Altuntas, of the Contact Group Muslims and Government, said Wilders “is seeking the limits, but not crossing the line. For Mr. Wilders, this is quite subtle.”

The film was not as jarring as anticipated, said Maurits Berger, professor of Islam in the West at Leiden University.

“It’s a series of images and photos, headlines from recent years which we already know,” he said.

The film tells more about Wilders than the Quran, Berger said. “It represents his fear of Islam.”

The lawmaker put out his film on the evening before a Dutch judge was due to hear a petition bu a Muslim group seeking an independent review of the film to see whether it violates hate speech laws. The Dutch Islamic Federation asked the court to impose a fine of $79,000 for every day the film is available to the public.

Mohamed Rabbae, chairman of the moderate National Moroccan Council, which appealed for calm in January ahead of the film’s release, said he had heard about “Fitna” but not yet seen it.

Wilders “collected some bloody pictures and related them to some verses in the Quran,” Rabbae told The Associated Press. “On the one hand, this is less bad than we thought he was going to do. But he also gives the impression the Quran justifies violence, and that is really wrong.”
Rabbae said his group and representatives of the Netherlands’ Turkish community would analyze the film closely Friday morning before giving a detailed reaction.

Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende had warned Wilders that his film could harm the country’s national interests. Thousands of Dutch demonstrated against the film Saturday in Amsterdam, seeking to show that Wilders does not represent the whole country.

Ratio of radical Muslims to peaceful Muslims is huge. The problem is how to deal with the jihadists (if that is even a word). This film is probably not the best idea.

The ratio of redneck americans : mall shopping americans is awefully high too. It wouldn’t take much more then a presidential speech to get a vast number of rednecks to loose the arms that they’ve been stock piliing for years.

No, this prolly was not the best idea.

My point in pointing (no pun intended) out that ratio was high was that plenty of people view Islam as a violent religion when the few bad eggs spoil the bajillion of dozens for the rest. The same arguement could have been made about those radical Christians, you know, the kind that kill abortion doctors, etc.

Pretty retarded comparision, bible belt gun owners vs radical muslims. Lets see, when that artist did the display that smeared feces on pictures of jesus how many riots were there again? Yet one cartoon of muhammed = protests all over the world and assassination plots against the cartoon author.

Sure, there are lots of peaceful muslims, but there are far too many violent ones as well.

:tup: to making the movie. Freedom of speech should have no bounds tied to it via religion, even if some followers of that religion is know to react violently. This just gives the peace loving muslims a good opportunity to condem their violent sect. You won’t see much of that though.

So because they care enough to protest, that makes them extremist or radicals?

Somebody better deem the town of Berkeley as an enemy combatant site.

Hahaha, the Christians, historically, have been just as violent as Muslims. Condeming violent sects, kinda like what the Vatican should have done during the Nazi holocaust?? I am not defending the violent acts of Muslims but let’s face it, religion breeds hate and violence to those who don’t believe what they believe and the “good ones” don’t do enough as a whole to prevent that.

religion is the root of all evil…

I think human weaknesses (fear, uncertainty and doubt) are the root of all evil. Religion just enables that in the weak.

I think JayS is ready to stump for McCain, spreading the fear like GWB and DC have done. Bravo, Jay. Bravo!! :clap:

How about we concentrate on the religion that is spreading violence in THIS CENTURY. Yes, religion has been at the heart of attrocities for hundreds and even thousands of years. It’s one of the major reasons I’m an atheist. But today, right now, there is one religion that is the standout amongst all the rest for violence and that’s Islam.

And if you can’t see the difference between the protests in Berkley and the ones where they are openly calling for a jihad against the cartoonist any anyone who reprints the cartoon I honestly feel sorry for you. Take off the PC blinders and apply a little common sense. It as nothing to do with who you want for president or how much you hate Bush, just open your damn eyes and ears for once and stop putting your anti republican/pro dem tinted glasses on.

Uhhh, where did I even say anything about the “protests at Berkley”?? I was specifically talking about abortion doctors getting killed by Christian extremists but whatever, you can say/believe what you want.

And :lol: at NOT giving Bush criticism for the state our country is in.

Another thing, how much Islamic extremism would there be if we just went into Afganistan to get Bin Laden instead of Iraq where there was NO evidence of Al Quaida linked to Saddam? I am sorry to disappoint you but the war in Iraq has fuel the vast majority of extreme Muslims today.

Drinking the Anne Coulter Kool-aid, too, Jay??

Our prescense & meddling in Jerusleam & Suadi Arabia is what brought such hate upon us in the first place. The post 9/11 era has overshadowed the simple beginning of the Western World Jihad.

In either case, generalizations are just that. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason!

I second glance middle eastern males aged 18-35 about as much as I do black males 15-30 who are thugged out… but even that is biased towards acceptence, because of my upbringing.

Fuck I can’t spell, need coffee.

Here’s my problem with mainstream Islam.

A cartoon is printed with Mohammed: Violent protests across the globe.
Some photos come out of a couple privates playing naked terrorist Jenga: Violent protests across the globe.
A video is released showing Eugene Armstrong being beheaded in the name of Allah: A few Islamic clerics come out and say, “we don’t support this”.

Until they show at a minimum the same passion toward denouncing these cowardly acts as they do toward stupid cartoons they might as well say they support the people using their religion to justify violence. Not taking a strong stance against such acts does far more damage to their religion than printing a cartoon of Mohammed.

And Matt, as usual your comparisions are weak at best. What’s the ratio of doctors killed by Christian extremists to people killed by Islamic extremists again?

Jay that can be said about all cultures… including americans.

Americans get up in arms when “civilian defense contactors” get kidnapped… but relatively few give a shit when an american kid is recruited into the jihad and tries to blow up a plane with his sneakers.

No one reacts to “good” news as much as they do “bad” news… or actions.

Is a vicious cycle thats not going to spontaneously break. and… Obviously I’m not expecting you to lead the rednecks to the light :wink:

It depends on who you ask.

If you take off your American/Christian glasses and look at the world through peaceful Muslim glasses, it looks like Christian extremists are kicking some serious ass.

Have you ever seen “The Kingdom”? Fantastic ending. Holy paradigm shift batman.

The problem isn’t religion, it’s people. Always has been. Always will be.

Although I can see where the film maker is coming from, telling Muslims to modify their holy book to his liking. Violent revenge like this has no place in a religious guidebook:

“21:22. If men quarrel, and one strike a woman with child and she miscarry indeed, but live herself: he shall be answerable for so much damage as the woman’s husband shall require, and as arbiters shall award.
21:23. But if her death ensue thereupon, he shall render life for life,
21:24. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
21:25. Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”

Oh, sorry. That’s from the bible. My bad.

I just named one group of the many fanatical Christians. How about the KKK? Granted those death tolls probably don’t equate but I am merely trying to say that every religious group has its extremist factions and thus those religions should not be judged on the “bad apples”.

^ See your bible quotes and raise you some much better Koran ones.

IV.138: Those who believe, then disbelieve, then again believe, then disbelieve and then increase in disbelief, Allah will never forgive them nor will He guide them to the right way.

IV.89: They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah’s way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

IV.92: And it does not behoove a believer to kill a believer except by mistake, and whoever kills a believer by mistake, he should free a believing slave , and blood-money should be paid to his people unless they remit it as alms; but if he be from a tribe hostile to you and he is a believer, the freeing of a believing slave (suffices), and if he is from a tribe between whom and you there is a covenant, the blood-money should be paid to his people along with the freeing of a believing slave; but he who cannot find (a slave) should fast for two months successively: a penance from Allah, and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

XVI.8: It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you, and if you (again return to disobedience) We too will return (to punishment), and We have made hell a prison for the unbelievers.

II.161: Surely those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers, these it is on whom is the curse of Allah and the angels and men all;

IX. 5-6: Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them.

IV.76: Those who believe fight in the cause of God.

IV.74: Let those who fight in the cause of God who barter the life of this world for that which is to come; for whoever fights on God’s path, whether he is killed or triumphs, We will give him a handsome reward.

VIII.39-42: Say to the Infidels: if they desist from their unbelief, what is now past shall be forgiven; but if they return to it, they have already before them the doom of the ancients! Fight then against them till strife be at an end, and the religion be all of it God’s

Agreed, but at what point do you look at the percentage of bad apples in a bushel and request your money back? Or at a minimum demand that the apple growers do a better job sorting.