Those Crazy Dutchmen! v.Anti-Quran

The problem with Islam is the religion is flourishing in the most unstable parts of the world. Granted there are Muslims everywhere around the globe but you only hear about those “bad apples” in the middle east and so fourth. If the middle east were to stablize dramatically like western Europe, there would be (IMO) less bad apples. I do think the Koran makes it easier for young persons to be swayed by the fanatical groups as well as it being such a hardcore patriachal religion and backward thinking (in terms of the treatment of women, etc) that it breeds fanatics easier. I have not personally read the Koran but I am sure there is just as much craziness in the bible that there is in the Koran as well as positive messages in both.

Using that as a segway into the war in Iraq, there is a right way of stablizing that part of the world and a not-right way. We chose the not-right way.

oh jesus.


Sura XXII: Hajj-“Pilgrimage” (verses 39 and 40): “Those upon whom war is made by unbelievers are granted permission to fight because they are being oppressed (Verily God is most powerful to aid them) and have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right for the sole 'crime of saying ‘Our Lord is God’.”

Sura II: Baqara -“The Heifer” (verse 190): "Fight in the cause of God against those who attack you. But be careful to maintain the limit, since God does not love transgressors. “By “limit” is meant that the force used must be limited to that which is the minimum adequate to restrain the evildoers who attack. The force used must never exceed that limit in order to exact revenge or impose an imperialistic conquest.”

But I’m sure we could go back and forth all day. Which brings me back to my hypothesis that people kill people, not guns or books.

I’ll admit that I didn’t see this coming / expect this thread to become a quote-off…

Religion is simply a tool that gathers like minded people and allows them to be weak together.


Eh, I disagree but I see where you’re coming from.

Thining along the lines of how arab muslims view the world, I wonder what kind of racial slurs they have for us? I’m sure infidel bastard is played out. Cold heads? Pope humpers?

I really thnk Jay needs to watch “The Kingdom”…

You know if I think about the social and political consequences of that ending, that was probably the best movie I’ve seen in years.

It was a great line that Jamie Fox gave when Jason Bateman asked what he told Jennifer Garner. I won’t spoil it for the people who haven’t seen it but if JayS hasn’t watched the movie yet, he definitely should.

Seen it. Great movie. Pretty sad if you think “kill them all” was some profound statement though. Lets think about who’s killing who.

We do everything we can to not kill civilians while their fighters do everything they can to hide and blend in with civilians.

They bombed a baseball game, then booby trapped an ambulance to guarantee killing as many innocent as possible.

But the line “kill them all” makes you put both sets of killings on an equal plane. :bloated:

lol, you’re starting to sound like AWDrifter Jay…

I’m refering not to the last 5 seconds, but the atmosphere on the whole. The “intrusion” that we are in their culture…

Ok fine, lets back up then. Pre-Iraq war they hated us enough to plan an execute the first trade center bombings and Sept. 11th. Most people agree that our support for Israel is the biggest problem the Muslim world has with us.

So what would you do? Should we denounce our support for Israel and let Iran “wipe them from the face of the earth” as they have stated they want to?

Of course not. So if that’s the case they are never going to like us so we better accept that fact and plan accordingly.

Now we’re getting somewhere… even though I said that a few posts back. :roll2:

Where are the Joes today?

Tell me why we are so entrenched in israel?

Because the Jews run the banks and hollywood? J/K

Honestly, I don’t know. I assume it’s because they are one of our few sane allies in the region.

I’m done. :wave:

lol, that was my first guess too. minus hollywood.

me either… but I fear it was once based upon religious reasons… again, I dunno.

Best solution to the middle east problem is to get off of oil dependence. I think our large support of Israel is one reason but the US involvement in Saudi Arabian affairs since the 1930’s when they discovered oil is I think an even bigger reason where the hate stems from; too much US meddling with the occupation of US troops there, etc.

we’re not over there solely for oil.

Alot of the middle east + US history can be found in the cold war too… we supplied a fwe countries with arms back then, which eventually came round to bite us.

Why doesn’t someone find a wikipedia link that has a summary of USinME? :lol:

We’re all collectively talknig out of our asses.

That’s what the internet is all about, duh.

Really, does it matter why we’ve been such historically good friends with Israel at this point? All that really matters is Israel > Iran so we need to keep supporting them. If we keep supporting them Muslims will continue hating us.

And if you want more examples of extermist Islam, check out their feelings toward Israel.