Silly muslims

Famliy Guy needs to act on this right away.

“The cartoons include an image of Muhammad wearing a turban shaped as a bomb with a burning fuse, and another portraying him holding a sword, his eyes covered by a black rectangle.”

“Islamic tradition bars any depiction of the prophet to prevent idolatry. The drawings have prompted boycotts of Danish goods and bomb threats and demonstrations against Danish facilities, and have divided opinion within Europe and the Middle East.”

“Angered by the drawings, Palestinian gunmen jumped on the outer wall of a European Union office in Gaza City on Thursday and demanded an apology. Masked gunmen also briefly took over an EU office in Gaza on Monday.”

Stupid fucking assholes. The cartoon was a completely accurate description of what they are. Instead of wasting bombs the US should have emptied our landfills and cargo dropped garbage on those piece of shit countries.

i can see it now

the air raid siren going off… people running, and then nothing. one of them looks up and gets hit in the face with an old stank banana peal.

I would laugh my ass off if they got that on video.

damn i couldnt find the cartoon pic, i was looking forward to seeing it

and +1 to violator :tup:

+1 for violator

i was reading the artical thinking “wow, they are getting all militant about being portrayed as being violant … wonder why”

The hate you guys display towars Muslims in general bothers me as much as the hate they show towards us.

Thought id re-open this and 98 red ex i understand where you are coming from but this riot is still going on. When its all said and done there will probably be hundreds if not thousands of deaths and damages well into the millions. All for a dam cartoon…

They have strong religous beliefs, but there is a reason they get this reputation.

There is something seriously fucked up about people who get so excited about a cartoon.

i get pretty excited when bugs bunny dresses up like a woman

I absolutely do agree, and their religion, thier whole lifestyle has been stomped on and assraped by the extremists, ie. The Taliban, al-Qaida, Iraq and Iran in general. Its just pushed the general people to the point where they dont know WHAT to do anymore. They have been brainwashed into believing the entire west, especailly christian nations and the United States are their mortal enemies. They really see it as a war between good and evil, and obviously they view themselves as the righteous. Its sad.

Join the Army, be all that you can be. :wink:

:tup: fuck 'em


Stupid fucking assholes. The cartoon was a completely accurate description of what they are. Instead of wasting bombs the US should have emptied our landfills and cargo dropped garbage on those piece of shit countries.

Fuck racism.

America FUCK YEAH!!

Yeah fuck them! Fuck all those towel heads!

Fuck all those animals who were fighting power heads like Sadam before the US even gave a shit, and fuck those rebels families too. Fuck all those muslim assholes who want nothing but their country back to normal or want out of it because its turned upside down.



Lets get pissed off and blow up a country because one man drew a cartoon because the beliefs of that one man are the beliefs of the whole country.

Am I the only one who thinks this is probably one of the best things that could have happened?

I mean, most of the people in the civilized world have been brainwashed by the politically correct bullshit machine into thinking Islam is a peaceful religion, and it’s just a few terrorist extremists who are giving it a bad name. I think with tens of thousands of Muslims involved in violent protests in countries all over the world, all over a stupid cartoon, it’s going to be a much tougher sell for the PC crowd to call them “peaceful”.

Dude, im almost as conservative as they come, hell im in the damn army, but I dont agree that its not a peaceful religion. Go read my essays, ok, maybe youll elarn something about the basics of the religion vs the people themselves. Enlighten yourself and stop with the generalizations. even if its 100,000 people, thats nowhere near the almost 1.7 BILLION followers of Islam.