Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan.

If pathetic means that I believe in a higher being… but not the organization of religion, then that I am. And if I do have an afterlife, I sure as hell (pun) had better be getting laid in it. Jesus wants you to learn to spell. He told me in a vision I had of him on my pancake this morning. Right after he said that anyone calling someone else pathetic because of their religios beliefs, or lack thereof, isn’t really observing the religion they chose to join. That’s hypocracy.
If God… whichever God that is, didn’t want critiqued, then she wouldn’t have given us the ability to do so. I’m gonna be pathetic and go watch Bill Maher’s “Religulous” now.

I look at it this way. In the real world, I don’t force my point of view on my friends and my church going friends don’t force their views on myself. It’s called common sense. To each their own, The way the world should work.

If pathetic means that I believe in a higher being… but not the organization of religion, then that I am. And if I do have an afterlife, I sure as hell (pun) had better be getting laid in it. Jesus wants you to learn to spell. He told me in a vision I had of him on my pancake this morning. Right after he said that anyone calling someone else pathetic because of their religious beliefs, or lack thereof, isn’t really observing the religion they chose to join. That’s hypocracy.
If God… whichever God that is, didn’t want critiqued, then he/she/they/it wouldn’t have given us the ability to do so. I’m gonna be pathetic and go watch Bill Maher’s “Religulous” now.
My daughter is being baptized, and I believe in the foundation of religion, and that she should at least learn it until she’s old enough to make a decision for herself.
It just isn’t for me.

I look at it this way. In the real world, I don’t force my point of view on my friends and my church going friends don’t force their views on myself. It’s called common sense. To each their own, The way the world should work.

fuck islam and fuck you preacher

what they ever do for us huh?
i bury those cockroaches

this thread fucking sucks

You’ve totally captured the true spirit of religion. It’s cool your priest/minister/preacher/healer pushes those beliefs.
Tell me, which branch of Christianity condones the “What they ever do for us” and “fuck you” doctrine?

You can preach your religion, but you can’t live to the values that it tries to have its flock live by?

The best religion is “Do unto others”. Live by that, and everyone finds God.

“fuck them” comes from tony Montana doh!
have you ever seen Scarface?
well lets do onto others and use your religion to find god- everyone should go out and commit violence against so called" innocent islamics " people randomly-

do onto others is exactly what we need right now we will retaliate and make their suffrage worse than the crimes they commit against your friends and family-

[ame=“”]YouTube- George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.[/ame]

way to put up what somoen else already put up in the same fuckin thread…

high five…

on a seperate note, i heard that there are stories that he used an FN 5.7x28mm pistol… is that true? those are badass… i’ve been wanting one for a while, just no need to own one.