On way home from lasertron/mighty…3 beep, we both step on it waiting for the autotragics to downshift. He gets the jump and pulls till hard putting 3-4 cars on me. I shut down at 65. He gave me the 4-ways, ricer lol. Repeated race at slower speed, same result.
Rematch with the red one…:snky:
just u wait untill my truck is fixed im gonna spank both of ya! hahaha.
just wait till i get :snky:
trucks are slow and :gay:
agreed, thats y im gettin some :snky:
cough* vids hydraulics* Cough
workin on it, my normal editing program is free :cough: and its being gay not allowing me to use those media files. so im workin with another program, give me some time.