AT&T Buying T-Mobile


i chuckled.

I was the first one in my family with a cell phone, in 1998. I ended up adding the rents and little sister onto my plan.

um, tmo definitely does NOT have 4G service, and its def NOT LTE.

they use HSPA+.

edit: oh yea YAY DUOPOLY!

there is NOTHING good in this for the consumer.

I was an orphan when AT&T went to Cingular, outsourced AT&T customer serivce off shore, then when they went back after I went to a Cingular device the next year they did it to me again and outsourced Cingular customer service this time…

Better handsets and coverage?

how does that get better handsets? One could argue better coverage for Tmo customers, and more bandwidth, but there are WAY MORE negatives in this equation.

Nokia makes phones for T-Mobile, but not AT&T so much. With the Nokia / Microsoft deal they’ll be trying to bring their products to the US, but T-Mobile alone won’t help them. This merger gives them the large service provider they need to kick things off.

alright, i hadnt thought of that.

i still stand by my thought that this is overall bad for the consumer. it will just be big red and ma orange (or is it ma red?) directing the entire industry to whatever is best for their stockholders.

Then buy their stock and ride the wave, lol.

I should probably clarify that while I work for VZW I’m in no way some super huge koolaid drinker of theirs. They have no soul, and I assume that the board of execs survives off the hearts of babies they steal from the maternity ward.