AT&T Comes in Last in Consumer Reports

Yes, another cellular related thread.

If only Verizon had the phones that Sprint has. I’d switch. The droid is nice, but it weighs two times as much as my Pre. It could quite literally be a brick. However, I can’t say I have problems with Sprint. Maybe if the Pre goes to Verizon, I’ll consider switching.


at+t works swell.


Works swell for me also.

very swell.


Verizon -n- driod ftw. 3g everywhere

fine, just fine.

Ive had verizon , nextel, sprint (before and during the sprint/nextel merger) and at&t over the last 12 or so years.

The only one I’ve been happy with in the long run is at&t. Verizon coverage was horrible (granted, this was like 12 years ago). Nextel and Sprints customer service was horrible. I dont think there was a single time where after I had to deal with them, I didnt want to punch a baby. I dont think in the 18 months i had nextel my bill was ever right, i’d have to constantly call and have them fix things ect.

I’ve had 0 problems with at&t over the last 5 years. Hell, I had a refurbished phone shit the bed on me out of warranty, and they replaced if for free for me . They get an a+ in my book

That can be said for many people on many networks. The point is, from the 20+ cities they interviewed, it sucked. Might it work good in Albany? It might.

I went into Sprint in X-Gates last week and told them the people in FL wouldn’t replace me Pre because the power button caved in (must have dropped it but I don’t remember where). The dude gave me a phone IMMEDIATELY and had the girl transfer my stuff and I was on my way. I was there for 12 and a half minutes.

My bill has NEVER (in 4 years) been wrong. I get data/reception 98% of the time (and I travel a LOT for work - NH this thursday/friday).

I’m sure it’s hit and miss, but generally speaking…according to CR…AT&T blows. Big chunks. That’s them saying it. Not me. I’ve never had AT&T nor do I plan on having AT&T. If I ever switch, it’s going to be to Verizon. But then again, I’m one of those people who are very happy with Sprint. So no need to switch.

My $0.02.

Verizon’s 3G is slow as balls, ATT 3G FTMFW!!!

Maybe that review was national. For upstate NY AT&T is the shit. As far as world coverage AT&T is the shit. For the people out in the mountain time zone area verizon may be the shit, but their proprietary dumpy phones still suck ass.

nextel sucks ass but its cheap

I used to travel ALL over for work. From NYC, To the canada boarder, all over VT, NH, Mass. I had my at&t personal phone, and a verizon work phone. The ONLY place I had any bit of issues was from like 10 miles north of lake george to about 10 min south of plattsburgh. There were spots where neither phone had signal, some places where only the verizon phone did, and places where they cingular phone did. But honestly, thats a pretty remote stretch of road, so it didnt shock me

Wha really? My Verizon 3G is way way faster than the iPhone 3G as of my super scientific side by side test yesterday.

For all of you that have verizon who cares that you have 3g everywhere when it’s still slow as shit!


I cant even get service in my own house half the time. Going outside to talk on the phone ftl.

Prove it. When you show me a post with a legitimate speed test of your phone downloading anywhere near 2mbit per sec I’ll believe it.

Here’s mine: