AT&T Customers, Step Inside

How’s the coverage/network?

Looks pretty good:

But VZW is still the 800 pound gorilla of the USA wireless game:

Speak now or forever listen to me bitch after I switch to AT&T.

My coverage has been great locally, it was stellar a few weeks ago in Northern VA and MD. Only lost service in the middle of nowhere PA.

This weekend in Ellicottville I had 4 bars but lacked 3G.

Works great for me. 3G in all the WNY suburbs, Edge farther out. Only very few times while traveling in really rural areas has it gone “no signal”.

I had Verizon for 3 years with a work provided phone and I’m happier with AT&T. Some say Verizon has a better network but it had two dead spots for me, 1/2 of my house and 1/2 of my office. Pretty fucking annoying since that’s where I was 90% of the time. I’d take most of my work cell calls standing out on my deck.

I travel a lot for work to some busy places and some remote places where there may be 5 people in 30 square miles. Never had a problem where I could not get service.

I have been with Verizon for 6 years before and have been happy switching to ATT. Any problems I had with ATT service wise people with Verizon phones had the same ones.

Usually never have a problem. The only time I lose signal is in reeealllly rural places. My phone worked all over in Hawaii too except the NaPali coast on Kauai.

And if I’m on my phone when driving on the 190 under the peace bridge, it’s a guaranteed dropped call. lol

Really? Wow. I used to have to go outside to make phone calls when I was on T Mobile. Once I switched to VZW like 6 years ago I never had to give reception a thought. Well, except I don’t get a signal inside the classroom in Jacobs Hall at UB. I wonder if my buddy gets reception with his iPhone… I’ll report back…

EDIT: Yeah, he gets reception inside the classroom. I’m feeling pretty good about switching to the dark side. :awdrifter:

Ever since they bought out Cellular One I notice the rural coverage in NY and PA has really improved. But yeah, I’ve done a lot of comparing with a Verizon phone and the dead spots are just about even in my experiences, with VZW’s coming in more annoying places. Now maybe if we were in Montana or something…

Yeah, it was some serious bad luck. My Verizon phone worked EVERYWHERE else, except the two places where I was the majority of the time. Even other spots in the office were fine, but but the 4 or 5 cubicles around where I was were dead. At first I wonder if it was just my phone but other co-workers had the same problems at the office and at my house.

AT&T coverage is fine. The only places I’ve lost service are the bits of PA while on the turnpike (same as Kait) and certain parts of the Adirondaks. 3g is in most urban areas.

One more AT&T oddity. When I first got my iphone I had to banish it to the farthest corner of my desk because every 15-20 minutes or so it would send out some ping on the GSM/edge frequency that would peg my computer speakers like crazy. Now I can leave it sitting right in front my keyboard directly between the two speakers and it never causes so much as a tick from the speakers. This wasn’t an overnight change; it slowly got better over time. I’m assuming they made considerable improvements on their 3g coverage.

UGH i hate the GSM phone buzz. people on conf calls piss me off with that.

GSM buzz is indeed the suck. Only nice thing was i figured out the call/text noises and had advance notice when something was coming. You don’t hear it anywhere where there’s 3G

no network is flawless, it’s greatly improved in the south towns in the past 18 months for sure though.

I have never had major problems (same as others in rural areas, ADK mountains is hit or miss but VZW never even got a hit while I got full bars once and awhile). Plus it was nice to take my phone to Europe and have it work when I was there

i would look more at 3g coverage than anything between the 2 at this point


Before you go hoppin on over to the Apple store, I must warn you. They call their techs, “geniuses”.

Just don’t want you flipping shit when this dilemna strikes unexpectedly.

I bought my wife a mac book there. It was creepy. It was more of an indoctrination than a transaction. The thought the skinny old sales dude was going to hug me.

You can get iphones at AT&T stores right?


I got my 3g at the apple store in the mall ONLY because they AT&T stores didn’t have any stock (3 days after 3g launch).

And yeah, it was creepy. “Would you like a genius to help you activate your new iPhone and introduce you to iLife?”. What I heard was, “Would you like a genius to give you a lobotomy ensuring you will be camped out on the sidewalk for days at every new Apple product launch, salivating over Steve Job’s latest table scraps?”.