iPhone 4 Speed Test Results

So, not only is the new iPhone way sweet, it also has faster connectivity due to it’s newly supported network protocols. New speedtest results below:


Lucky you.

I can’t justify the expense for the new model, it just doesn’t seem like the improvements are worth the upgrade over the old one.

What do you like the most?

The screen is the most impressive part.

When you rev it up to 10 Million let me know.

Not THAT great. Good, but not anything to write home about.

I just got 1161kbps down and 280kbps on 2 bars on my Sprint Evo. With full maxed out 3G, I’d be getting those speeds or better and with 4G I’d be getting 7-8 (maybe even 10 - seen it) down and 1-2 up.

This was connecting to a server in DC. I see yours is Manchester, NH.

I’d take a screenshot but my ShootMe app must not have been updated to work with the latest update (released monday) because it’s giving me a “Root access required” error.

Just my $0.02.

fuckin tits

Proof or didn’t happen.

Per your request, whipped out the Canon and took a picture.

Did the test again using your server (wasn’t listed before).

Like I said…good, no doubt, but not something to write home about.

Got even better numbers (I’m willing to give up some down for more up):

Not bad considering the low service. Def more upload then what I used to get on the 3GS and AT&T’s 3G.

What cities have 4G?

Umm…right now I think it’s the major ones like NYC, LA, Baltimore and then there is a couple of smaller markets like San Diego, Kansas City, and Syracuse is getting it soon. Albany, supposedly, should have it by the end of 2010.

EDIT: Not sure how accurate or up to date this is. It’s hard to find an actual map that doesn’t have the normal service over top of it.


none. 4g is fucking myth.


Supposedly it’s on in Syracuse. I’ll be there on the 10th, so I’ll let you know if 4G is indeed worth the hype.

Another win. Buying this when the new white phones are released.


lol. He has me on ignore so he didn’t see my post.



It’s pathetic when why cell phone service has more upload bandwidth then my home ISP. LOL

A certain beeping bird is coming out with 50/5 shortly

Sure most of you saw this already, being fonefags and all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7yD-0pqZg

For the record, I dont care. I have a prepay phone :rofl