iPhone 4 Speed Test Results

Wayne posted that clip like 2 days ago lol

I’ll have mine in tomorrow when fedex stops by.

I know tons of people have hyped the hell out of Droid phones. If I wasnt so happy with att I might have switched, but I have had nothing but great experiences with att, and they allow me to upgrade my phone like every 10 months


I thought upgrade was every 2 years, with allowance of upgrading 6 months early if you stay with the contract and renew?

Im not sure, but I’ve been able to upgrade every 10 months for the last few years. I just got my blackberry with a “2 year contract extension” last august. I was available for an upgrade a few weeks back, but wanted to wait for the new iphone. I got it, and it extended my contract. Its still in the process of processing so I cant tell the date when I can upgrade again, but should be able to once i get the phone and activate it.

I have been with them for damn…probably 6 years

I will wait until January to get an iPhone…with Verizon, not AT&T.

^^^ took them long enough. I think a lot of people will be jumping ship from AT&T to Verizon.

Same phone, way better service.

Notice how it says that verizon will be selling “an apple iphone” and then goes one to reference the iphone 4 on at&t.

Im wondering if maybe they will get the 3gs for the time being, but i dont see apple coming out with a new one in 6 months

And to speak on the service (granted this was about 16 months ago) I had at&t(personal) and verizon (work) cell service at the same time.

I used to cover from westchester all the way to the Canadian boarder, as far east as malone, the entire state of vermont and into NH and western mass.

At&t’s service coverage KILLED verizon. Especially in the albany area, and the northway north of lake george to plattsburg

I’m not talking about the Albany area. I’m talking about the national picture. It’s a known fact (according to many reviews, reports, etc.) that Verizon has the best network. Hell, I even had all 4 companies in my office pitching their data cards and Verizon spent 50% more money on their network infrastructure (maintenance and upgrades) then the nearest competitor (Sprint). I used to have all of the figures saved on my PC. This was back in 2008 though. Sure there may be spots were AT&T blows everyone away, etc. but I’m willing to go out on a limb and say Verizon has the most of those ‘spots’ where none of the other carriers compared to it.

And that’s coming for a 6yr Sprint customer who wouldn’t switch to Verizon for anything (I like Sprints phones and bang-for-the-buck plans).

[verizon] they’ll offer tiered pricing plans on their 4G network.

To all of those who claimed that AT&T is garbage because it will be limiting the data…

Well guess what? I spent 99% of my time in the northeast where at&t > verizon.

I could give 2 fux’s if verizon has better service in dallas texas, ect. This is a local forum, so this “well the national network is better” is pretty much a mute point for quite a large portion of the forum.

Now if you travel all over the us for work, I could see where that would be a deciding factor

I got offered 3 different levels for the iphone 4. Iirc there was a $15/1 gig, $25/2 gig, $30 unlimited. I kept it at $30 for now to see how much I actually use

This was a general statement, not one geared at AT&T users on Shift518. Relax. I couldnt’ care less who uses what or if it works better here or there. I’m just saying that once Verizon gets the phone, I would not be surprised if people left AT&T and went to Verizon. That is all.

I’ve been with Vz much longer than At&t yet I see absolutely no logical reason to jump ship.

Vz is not worse by any means, but it’s not “clearly” better either.

Again. That’s our area. I made a general statement about iPhone and AT&T/Verizon based on all the publications in magazines, wall street journal, etc. which look at the nation as a whole.

I’m NOT talking about our area. But anyway, it’s all good.

Is At&t that much worse nationally?

It’s constantly rated behind Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint. So, I guess so.


Notice the last paragraph. So, if the phone goes to Verizon, who is rated tops…don’t you think SOME people would jump ship? All they obviously care about is the phone. Put that phone on a better network and what do you think is going to happen?

So again, I would not be surprised if, across the nation, AT&T loses people to Verizon when the iPhone hits their shelves. This might be a blessing for AT&T though, because it would take away some of the strain on their network. So it may make it better for the people who stay with AT&T.

I don’t care either way. I have way too many grandfather perks with Sprint to even consider leaving. I only drop maybe 10 calls a year and I travel as far south as VA and as far west as Cleveland on a regular basis.

ATT works better than Verizon in Upstate NY. Period. I travel quite a bit and have had both carriers.

Perhaps. And that’s fine. Sprint works great as well. As does T-Mobile from what I gather. Seems like we don’t have many issues with coverage up here.

Yeah, it’s not like Verizon was bad or anything.

I still will only believe that verizon will have an iPhone when I see it actually happen. Until then it’s just rumor.