Anyone here have experience with the iPhone?

My plan with ATT is ready for an upgrade and I can get a pretty good deal on a new 3g iPhone @ 8G. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these phones and what your thoughts are on them. I will be using it for both personal and business uses.

** I am NOT getting a blackberry. For some reason I really don’t like them.

I really like them. They are very convenient and easy to use. What more do you need to know?

Yes, lots of experiance with it

It’s really a great phone, some buisness people tend to think of it more like a “Toy” if you will but few people have really played with it and used it in the real world.

The interface is extremely clean and smooth, unlike a lot of the other touchscreen phones, when you scroll thru pages and flick thru pictures its smooth transistions, doesnt hiccup often if at all depending on what your doing and just look really clean. I’ve played with the blackberry storm here at work and while its a nice phone its just not as smooth and responsive as an Iphone… that goes to say with most of the other touchscreen phones i’ve used.

There literaly is an application for almost anything. Theres helpfull bank tools to keep track of fiances, appointment applications, and with someone i nyour field there are remote acess tools for computers, terminals for routers/switches and many other things. They even have a credit card terminal you can use to charge people for services.

The web browser is quick and clean, awsome for on the spot google searches for problems, I’ve had to do it quite a few times.

Also the best thing by far is the touch screen itself, it is by far the most usable and accurate touch screen out right now hands down. Say when typeing, once your thumbs/fingers get used to the distance of the letter, as it layedout as a normal keybored just smaller, you can type without even thinking about what letter your pushing.

Now with the 3.0 software comming out push notifications will be availbe expanding the applications and their abilites even more.

Im kinda just ranting, but I love it, I use it daily for personal and work and I love it.

i KNEW shady was gonna post in here


And for the first time in a long time im gonna have to say, i dont have any reasonable amount of experience with this phone or than toying with my friends phones… so im off the I.T. Hook :slight_smile:

Awesome. I really think I might go with it. Wherever I look the good experiences with the phone outweigh the bad.

Is there still the issue with not being able to recieve picture messages directly to your phone?

Thats one of the biggest reasons I never got one.

You can recieve MMS messages… sort of…

If someone send you a picture/video message you have to log into the att picture message website with a name and password they give you for that particular photo that lasts 7 days.

its a pain in the balls…

Next month the iPhone 3.0 OS will be out… MMS messages sending/recieving will be integrated so now you can send dirty pictures to everyone in your contacts YAY

Im on the iphone right now, i hate touchscreens. I wish i still had my voyager. Not being able to send or recieve picture messages really blows

Yup thats the only reason I didnt have anything to do with the iphone. I need my dirty underage self shooter pictures uploaded to my phone at break neck speeds

Picture messaging is a feature thats comming soon, plus right now theer is an ap you can download to picture essage if u want to be able to before the new software.

I have had the iphone since it came out & LOVE it. The internet is so much earier to use than on a blackberry (previous phone). & with being able to load any application you want it really makes things easier.

I’m waiting for the Palm Pre (only offered by Sprint though at the moment - release is June 6th). Should be better than the iPhone.

I’ve heard mixed things, I really want one from what I’ve read… But I hate sprint…

Althought a lot of the things their saying the Palm Pre can do that the iphone cant… info is starting to pop up saying a few of the things their claiming they may cut out of the acctualy phone due to performance issues… same issues the iphone rian into…

Example, they said the were going to to have the ability to Stack applications and run in the background etc… but even a few preview videos i’ve seen it seems sketch and slows the phone down quite a bit

yea when it comes to phones you can get away with all these big claims and not really come through with them

most of the phones out there are a real big POS in one way or the other

if the iphone had a slideout full keyboard and open source OS i would never ever ever have anything else

Why do you hate Sprint? Cause everyone else around you bad mouths them? (the usual reason why people hate sprint)

I’ve had them for 6 years and NEVER have issues. In my opinion, it goes: Sprint/Verizon (equal), AT&T/Cingular, everyone else.

Their (Sprint) speeds (3G) are the best according to a few different independent review places, such as Gizmodo.

I can’t wait for the Pre. I have the original instinct right now and I’m tired of it.

As far as the Pre, I haven’t heard of them cutting stuff out and all the video’s I’ve seen don’t look like the phone lags one bit when having multiple windows open. Maybe I’m watching old ones?

i have sprint the only thing i can really say for them is the internet speed is out of control… i can use phone for tethering and the download speeds on a laptop are ridiculous… to be honest for a normal person they could just pay for the unlimited plan on data and use that for their broadband internet

the service sucks half the time, i mean seriously… with all the phones i had under their network…

verizon is the best service wise

I admit that Sprint has issues with service, but when I’ve needed it, I’ve had it. I only really have an issue at my work because I work in the lower level of the company (more storage space down here). The basement ain’t the best for cell phones. Otherwise, I have service almost every where except for the extreme boonies (like out near Stroudsburg, PA, etc.)

I do all the mobile stuff at my company here. I used to use AT&T Air Cards, now I’m using Verizon. Verizon spends the most of any of the major companies on it’s infrastructure. The next closest spender is Sprint, but they are like 40% or something lower than Verizons.

Not at all, one thing oyu should learn about me quick is im not a hop on the bandwagon type person, if I like something because I like it and have used other things, such as the Iphone vs ALL others…

If I dont like something even if everyone else does I have no problem saying so…

I was a Nextel Customer for 4 years… dad got me my phone when I was 13?

Then was a Nextel/Sprint Customer for the last 2… We tried sprint, had nothing but problems with the network, dropped calls, old voicemails etc…

As far as their 3G speed goes, yes its quick… but all in all depends on where you are.

Personaly verizon is my favorite, if they had the iphone i owuld have never left… but they dont yet… but when they do you bet your ass ill be going back

i also may consider moving to verizon at that point… sprint service actually does suck alot when i think about it…

the net is just TOOO good tho

I rock this:

Best phone I’ve ever owned. No regrets, worth every penny.

awful phone*, great device.

*poor reception