Cell Carriers - June 2013

…so, I’m extremely displeased with Sprint right now.

Back in the day, Sprint used to be the best bang for the buck around. It had good service (and if didn’t, it roamed for free on other carriers). I was basically never without service. Lately though, it’s been getting worse and worse and I am done with Sprint. I actually don’t get ANY data service for the majority of the day while at work. They have been promising the next generation network (originally WiMax and now 4G LTE) for years in Albany and nothing has happened.

Which carrier do you have and what is the average number of bars you get? Please, no biased responses, etc. If you get 3 bars typically, say so. Don’t say “awesome service” with no other details…NO ONE has ‘awesome service’.

Below is a little price comparison I did for Albany, NY for each of the 4 major carriers.


stick with sprint. anything to keep you from texting and driving is good for the rest of us


AT&T is great, 4G LTE is growing quickly. And no bullshit extra radio you have to turn on in the phones to pick it up like Verizon has.

:lol, good one.

I’m trying to avoid Verizon as they are a rip off and have a crap phone selection IMO. Not to mention their bills consist of a lot of little fees here and there like an administrative fee, etc.

AT&T and T-Mobile are my options and I have heard AT&T’s network is quite nice lately (contrary to how it was when the iPhone was exclusive to them).

i have verizon through work and get service everywhere in the northeast . verizon is deffinately the best for our area.

i have at&t, had tmobile a few years ago and i switched because of the service in the area sucked! customer service was by far the best! att&t i have lte for majority of the time 4-5 bars at work at home (work=latham, home=colonie) my phone data is sometimes faster then some wifi connections i connect to… and the biggest reason i went to att was because they still utilize a sim card, im not a fan of gsm providers i like the ability to plug my sim card into another phone and it would work…

I agree it’s the best network (Verizon is my carrier for all of our mobile staff at work - we have people from WV, MD, MA, NJ, PA, etc.), but for a personal phone (which won’t get a company discount), it’s not worth the extra money and they don’t have a good selection of phones. They tend to get top phones (like the HTC One), WAY after it’s been released to the other carriers.

AT&T is my front runner right now also. It helps that there is a store literally across the road from work, should anything happen.

And I think you meant CDMA (Verizon/Sprint). T-Mo and AT&T are GSM (and thus have SIM cards). I get what you meant though.

It’s good to hear that Latham/Colonie has great service…I spend a lot of time in that area (both my brothers live in that area).

haha yea cdma is what i meant sry

Im in E. Bumfuck Coby and have Straight Talk, that uses Sprint towers, one bar at home, works most other places 3+ bars. GF has AT&T and works well, 4+ bars at home always.

When did Sprint ever have good service? I used to have Nextel and then Sprint and the service and reception were awful. I couldnt even get reception on my own couch, had to go on the porch to get it.

I only kept it because it was cheaper (800 minutes and free nights/weekends for $32.99) but when I broke my phone I couldnt buy a new phone because of something to do with an old plan and Id have to pay more for less.

I switched to Verizon and the reception is a million times better. Ive also got Verizon on my work phone.

I switched to Sprint and had to return the phone and switch back to Verizon. Given Verizon costs more, but its like 2 burritos difference. I personally would rather know I have cell service everywhere for an extra 10 bucks a month.

That being said, in our area I would say Verizon, AT&T, Sprint in that order. My gf has att and she doesnt have issues. They all have the same phones pretty much at this point. S4, iPhone and whatever Windows Phone…

I’m leaning towards AT&T right now. Gotta figure out a way to get out of my Sprint contract and not pay the ETF. Heard if you speak to a manager and throw somewhat of a fit, they’ll let you out. Otherwise it’s $300. :shifty

I have Verizon (S3) gf has AT&T (Note 2)… Verizons better and It’s worth the extra few bucks… We could be in the mall and her phone doesn’t work half the time. It’s not because of the phone either because it did the same thing with her Iphone 4 that it’s doing with the Note 2… Her phone loses like 2-3 bars of service being in basement or going up north. All while my phone stays around 4 bars…

If only Verizon had better practices of maintaining their devices, etc.

They are notoriously slow on release updates, putting crap load of bloatware on phones, getting models of phones after the fact, etc. This is why I am avoiding them.

I know their services is the best, but their practices are the worst.

You guys might not care, but me being a techie, I like to upgrade my phones on an almost yearly basis or at least get the necessary updates for them. This is why I rooted my phone on Sprint and loaded custom ROM’s…Sprint is just as bad.

Thats why you get a phone with a lot of users behind it. The S4 has the Google Edition coming out at the end of this month that has everything working with Vanilla Android and they already have ROMs out for it. The HTC One is going to have the same Google Edition. If you get some garbage phone, no one is going to waste their time modding it or building ROM’s. I do agree, Verizon is such trash and slow, but they destroyed Sprint in my service area, especially with LTE. In another 2 years when their new LTE is out I will probably try again. If you cant do Verizon, I would def. do S4 on ATT.

yeh at&t will let you upgrade in 1 1/2 years instead of making you wait the 2

Guess you missed the news today (No idea why the link says Verizon)

AT&T customers now have to wait two years to be eligible for an upgrade. Previously, the wait time was 20 months. This will affect AT&T customers with contracts ending on or after March 2014.

The company is taking Verizon’s lead. The two carriers tend to mimic each other’s policies, and Verizon changed its upgrade eligibility policy to 24-months earlier this year.

AT&T says the new policy simply aligns phone upgrades with standard two-year wireless contracts, but consumer advocates are concerned about the move.

The Consumer Federation of America’s Mark Cooper calls the change “unjustified.” He says because AT&T and Verizon are the biggest carriers, they have less incentive to offer consumer-friendly policies.

I used to pay ~$100 to AT&T for my iphone and i switched to straight talk and now im paying $45 for unlimited everything.
They do have a softcap for data, i have heard stories where they slow your speeds down if you get flagged for using too much data in a Single day like tethering.
Ive had my gps running for 8+ hr trips and never had issues with my speeds.
Only issue is when you call customer service, they run their service rep office is deep in central america so good luck if you cannot fathom heavy latino accents lol

And Red, they only use sprint towers for their newer android phones, they are mostly using VZW and AT&T towers

FWIW about 2 years ago I had cingular/at&t it was good around ny but I got nothing in VT or anywhere else for that matter

I think i’ve had verizon for 11 or 12 years now. Not a phone techie and don’t care about 10-15 bucks difference. Shit always works, good enough for me.