switching to verizon....recommend me a phone

so yea my plan with shitty at&t is up in april but im going to try to call and get out a few months early without the early cancellation fee…anyways, im thinking about getting the voyager but im not sure (not really in need of a smartphone but i def need a full keyboard and a loud ringer, strong vibe is a plus)

phone gurus chime in please lol

for texting : enV. ive heard the enV 2 sucks.

Ijust got the BB Pearl. Internet is Kinda laggy but i fucking love the phone.

I’ve got the enV 2. It’s going on 2 years old and i haven’t had a single problem with it.

thought the env 2 came out like months ago not 2 years ago… wow time flys. i had the LGvx 9400 for a while, switched to the ENv (LOVE IT FOR TEXTING) and just switched to the BB pearl, since i dropped my first one 2 weeks ago (bb pearl) and it blew up into a million pieces, 20 minutes after getting it.

I am of no help to this post other then letting you know that Verizon blows compared to AT&T and I am not sure why you would want to leave. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I have been a loyal customer to AT&T’s for over 7 years and would not even think about switching to anything else, especially verizon. My parents have verizon and they barely get service in our house (which is in colonie mind you) when I have full service. Not to mention, AT&T currently has the fastest internet protocol available in cell service (HSDPA) where I can download at 2+Mbps (1/5 the speed of road runner) which is insane.

Why/how is AT&T shitty?

You mean the enV, the env2 came out a few months ago… There was the V which was big and bulky, the Env which is smaller, and now the env2

Verizon sucks ass dude, I mean, service is fine and all, but it’s not like I never drop calls or see dead zones.

Plus you pay easily 30% more than any other carrier for the same service, not to mention all of the phones have basically the same gay ass operating system. It’s hilarious listening to a Verizon rep defend themselves, they just called me to renew my contract, I said idk if I want to, want to get a data plan and Verizon’s options are wayy to expensive…and all the dumb bitch has to say is “but you’ll have overage protection for renewing your contract”…which is retarded because I’ve have unlimited text and 900 mins, and only went over once in the last 2 years I’ve been contracted :rofl


lol @ sprint

dude I had nextel for 4 years… merged with sprint and it went down hill, then we said fuck it and tried sprint for a few months, worst service ever…

Why? Like what was your problems with the service?


Well service in my area although covered was shoddy from time to time. Late voicemails and texts… Horrible customer service. The only thing redeeming was my plan, but even that couldent keep me there.

Never had a problem with verizon, had my own plan for awhile it was 67 or so after taxes and whanot… now we just said fuck it and got on a family plan and pay 120 a month for 3 phones

my phone sucks, service is good.
i have been with AT&T when they were AT&T, then cingular, and now AT&T again.

only place i dont really have service is my bomb shelter garage and at LVD

Yea AT&T has good coverage, them and Verizon are right up there, now its pretty much we have the same ammount of coverage but who has what and where…

I will be switching to AT&T Soon, was going to get an iphone a few weeks ago, had it all setup and ready to go and i said screw it i have other shit i gotta worry about atm since xmas was comming up…

still plan on going to at&t eventualy to grab my iphone, unless HTC and Google release an Android phone on another carrier, cause tmobiles network sucks ass

t mobile :umm

yea pretty much, there cell service is shady as it is… but the G1 for instance is a 3g phone, well benny has a bigger footprint than tmobiles 3g network… makes the phone pretty useless

paper cup and a string = t mobile

no, the cups n string have more coverage :rofl

Fucckkkk I hope I don’t regret going to Sprint.

But I’m totally still doing it, with 900 mins and unlimited text I pay $102 every month after taxes and shit.

That sucks, for no internetz or anything, I’ll be paying the same amount with the full unlimited package from sprint.

Yea my nextel plan was the tits… 800 mins, Unlimited Nights/Weekends Texting , direct connect and unlimited incomming calls from anyone dident matter which network… we got it when Nextel was offering unlimitied incomming calls in their plans that was about 5 years ago. When they merged with sprint I got like a 1200 phone bill (I was younger and talked on the phone all the time) we were like WTF? so we called and got out statement and i went over my minutes because they were charging me for incomming calls, I used to tell people to call me back most of the time so i dident waste my minutes haha.

We were like wtf weve been customers with you for over 5 years and your changing our plan? we should be granfathered in etc… so we got that taken care of, and we had the same plan minus direct connect when we went to sprint for a bit… we paid like 70 a month per phone (me and my father so 140) was pretty sweet at the time… Now I dont use the phone as much, i use maybe 300-400 mins a month if that…

I have Verizon, here in CT i always have service. I have the Razr phone. DONT get it, its terrible, way too fragile. I wouldnt still have one but they keep giving me new ones so what the hell.

I was a Verizon customer for 9 years. I made the switch to AT&T this year to a blackberry plan and I haven’t looked back since ! AT&T give tons of work discounts, I got 24% for working at St. Peters. Plus any phone Verizon has they cripple its features compared to other carriers. for instance the Verizon blackberry cannot freely access their GPS, because made it so you have to use the VZW navigator.