
So, Cingular/AT&T keeps insisting on screwing up my bill.

I’m getting pretty aggrivated, and looking at switching to Verizon.
I want to hear everyone’s horror stories, and the good things too.

On top of that, does anyone have the enV2?
I’m looking into getting that so I need opinions.

Thanks guys!

ive had verizon forever
my plan is up with verizon this spring. im tryin to decide if i wanna switch or stay. it has its ups and downs

I’ve been rather dissatisified with Verizon. I have the Env2, it drops a lot of calls, the battery dies quickly on it as well. I’m on the 2nd battery with this phone and i’ve had it for 1 1/2 years. I’ve never once had to replace a battery in any of my phones before.

I’m more then likely switching over to AT&T when my contract runs up in February because i’d like to get the I-Phone.

How is AT&T screwing up your bill each month and what are they doing to fix it if they are?

It’s the lesser of 9 evils. My bill never gets screwed up, reception and coverage are awesome. Phones suck if you arent a PDA/Blackberry user, phones rule if you’re a PDA/Blackberry user.

I’ve had Cingular/ATT for a couple years now and haven’t had any billing issues.

Have had verizon since I first got a cell phone in…8th grade, i think. Only problem i’ve had is there is no service down in Washingtonville, as in no bars in the whole town. :confused

I had Cingular since I had my first cell phone… so that’s probably going on 8 years now? I NEVER had a problem with them until AT&T bought them out. All of a sudden they keep screwing up my plan. Added on an international calling plan, they add on the Canadian calling plan. Takes them FOUR MONTHS to get the right plan put on, and adjust all the charges. In the mean time I have a bill $4500+ that I’m trying to get figured out. They tell me not to pay a dime until it’s fixed. About a week ago, they adjust all the charges, say “OH LOOK! SHE’S OVER DUE!” and shut me off. AFTER THEY TOLD ME NOT TO PAY. So I have to call up the 800 number again, since the reps at the store aren’t allowed to do dick with your account anymore, and the lady pretty much tells me too fucking bad pay it all up or you’re fucked. Nice. Fuck you.

Oh that’s nice of them.

I had verizon and switched to at&t. verizon is a lot more expensive with shittier customer service. At&T my bill is about 90 dollas less a month and I can actually get help quick at the store…unlke verizon I paid 180 a month and if i ever needed help i waited about 45 mins st the stores

f that. dont pay. who the hell to you know internationaly that you need a plan? lol F them

Verizon. had them for 6 years or more? always serivce everywhere. :banana

Been with Verizon for awhile now. Works the best for me in most apsects(price, reception, service, etc) Most of the phones do such ass as Jesse said except for BB, PDA’s, and VZ series. I went and bought a military VZ1 couple years ago due to its waterproof/shockproof/dustproof design. Been the best phone I’ve ever owned, just big and cumbersome.

Cingular tried to yank me for a couple $500+ bills, so I got rid of them for Verizon and haven’t looked back. Better everything at Verizon.

Well, after fighting with customer service at Cingular again tonight I finally said fuck it and got Verizon. Hopefully this doesn’t turn into a shit show that I’ll regret.

P.S. - Does anyone know how to get my damn music off my memory card onto my phone!?

goto tools
then memory then veiw your memory,should be an option to move on/off card

Reception is heavily phone based…not as much as overall service availability, but if you google for anwers, you find some phones, such as Nokias, often have top reception and clarity reviews.
Nokia E71 is just sweet…but costs!

i get good service with verizon, gets decent recption.

Want to do it right…go buy Samsung D880 of Ebay… holds two sim cards, therfor 2 numbers, if you ever have the need. No contract. Great sound quality. Watch TV on some of these open unlocked phones… work well… go to ebay and search “dual sim quad”

You have officially lost all respect…

I have never had one problem with cingular and for the record at&t has always owned cingular they just changed the name to avoid being a monopoly

I have had verizon for a year. There service and the service on my phone has been great, unfortunately, i have a V2 razor, im on my 2nd one in a year and now this one is fucked up. I think im going to get a blackberry