help need a new cellular carrier/device

i have nextel currently and the father foots the bill…and i’m tired of listening to him bitch.

i want my own phone and i would like to get ride of nextel…

i’d like the new sidekick…but i don’t know if i can deal with the shitty t-mobile service…at least i hear its shitty.

i remember reading a thread a while back about some new technology…

so…let me know what phone to get and what carrier…

i’d like to have the ability to go online but its not completely necesary…texting will do.

cingular or verizon (both get good reception up there, don’t have ridiculous rates)

i liked cingular better for reception when i was up there, myself :tup:

verizon… everybodys in

T-mobile with MDA

verizon most def. PM evolve he can hook you up

Cingular with either a Nokia or Motorola phone, ftw. Verizon has people brainwashed by all the most reliable shit, which in my opinion is BS around here but it’s really just an excuse to be more expensive

I heart cingular. Good reception, good prices, NEW technology, not old technology.
I agree w/ Joe… I was in PA and I was the ONLY one with cell reception weged between 2 mtns… everyone else was verizon / sprint / nextell.
I dunno if there are any left… but…
COmpUSA has Slivr, or Razr for 29.99 w/ a 2 year this week.

yup, i’ve seen it in PA as well

haha, same in eastern NC

every time i see people in the verizon store at the mall here i feel a strong urge to run in there and say YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE NOTICED BUT VERIZON HAS NO RECEPTION HERE WHY WHY WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE IN HERE

cingular is greater than fucking star

I used to have Cingular for years and had so many dropped calls when in my house which is in OP. In a section that is supposed to have great coverage. Cingular would do nothing about it so I switched to try Tmobile. Well Tmobile flat out sucked. My cingular phone at least got 2-3 bars in my house, would just drop calls every now and then. Tmobile would not work period in my house and on their coverage maps I was in an “excellent reception” area.

Canceled Tmobile and went to Sprint. In my opinion I like sprint much better then cingular. No dropped calls or anything bad to speak of.

I hump verizon because out of all the places I travel with all the other people in the car with difference services, I’m usually the one with the most / best service. Not to mention that I’ve owned cingular/at&T, sprint, and nextel phones all before.

Ohhh, so someone found one place between 2 mountains that your phone works and others dont?

How about we go on rt.17 and I show you about 1.5 hours of road that doesn’t even begin to get cingular reception. Don’t even get me started with t mobile…

Oh, new technology/old technology debate.

CDMA = old. yes. Pushrods are old too. You gonna tell me LSx motors suck shit too right?

Many old things can be improved upon, just like how CDMA’s ridiculous data network shows better connectivity and faster sustained download speeds over Cingulars EDGE network. Oh, and with cingulars “dropped call” bs? Yeah - that’s because you can’t drop a call when you don’t have enough service to make one…

Another thing with the “old technology” - that means it’s been around longer, which means there are more towers. more towers you say? I thought cingular said they have the largest network?

Oh - they do, when you take their shittastic SUPER OLD network (TDMA) and combine that service coverage with their GSM coverage. So, that means, with these new phones you are getting - those new shiney GSM phones that don’t jump on TDMA networks - you’re not getting the coverage you think you are.

But alas, perhaps verizon doesn’t work well where [you need it to the most - like your house. That’s fine, I’m not going to dispute stuff like that. Perhaps cingular is better where you are most of the time (house, work). Ok. Perhaps sprint works a couple places where cingular doesn’t work. Great.

You want a phone that works best for you, where you are, most of the time. I’m all over the place, all the time. NYC, DC, Buffalo, Albany, Lake George, New jersy, Stamford CT, Pittsburgh, Florida, California - and Verizon has rocked my socks everywhere. people who go with me ask to borrow my phone because I have service, pretty much everywhere.

My advice - take the 14 day return policy and use it to your advantage.

Try different carriers.

do the 14day thing, take advantage of that and see how things work out. that’s a really good idea :tup:

different places have differing reception… and that’d suck if you got committed to one that had crappy reception… where you LIVE

my first phone was t-mobile. it was garbage.

then i got cingular.

now i am back to t-mobile with my kick3.
service is a lot better. and i <3 my sidekick

#1, Cingular now has GSM coverage on every in the tower in the country that is/was TDMA. They keep turning off more and more TDMA and switching it to GSM panels so that network is going to shit.

#2 Where on Rt. 17/when did you go on it and have no coverage? The GSM license in the southern tier, at least from here to binghamton because thats as far as i’ve been on there, is all Cellular One, and they went GSM last summer. In fact, the reason we switched to Cingular was because they’re the only carrier that has service within 5 miles of my cabin, right off of 17, town called Belmont.

#3 I’m always the guy whose phone gets borrowed by all the Sprint and Verizon people in Amherst and Tonawanda because they have a great signal outside, but the minute they step into a house or building it starts cutting out on them and you can’t hear shit.

#4 I pay $39.99 a month for 1000 rollover minutes, 5000 night and weekends, M2M, and I have 5100 rollover minutes built up so its pretty much unlimited. Then $7.99 for 250 text messages, unlimited MMS, and a gig of internet. Verizon can’t touch that with a 300 foot old-ass CDMA cell phone tower.

They do have the faster data for now if EVDO is finally out in buffalo though…til the end of this year or beginning of next at least.

I hump Cingular because of all the places I go where I have coverage, as good as the verizon folk, for less money, with a SIM card, and a kickass phone.

But :word: to the 14 day policy. Personally i’d start with the cheapest and go from there til you find one that meets your needs.

If you want a sidekick that bad with coverage that works, you can get an unlocked one and use it with cingular, but their data plan isnt as cheap

I heart t-mobile. i recently went to nebraska and had reception every state i went through.

id give VZW a try if you are concerned with service.

im not gonna go into all the points already covered by this thread though. if you would like any information on it, feel free to contact me, as i have over 2.5 years experience and nothing but good feedback from forum members that have bought from me.

*yeah, if you need verizon help, go through jeff. he hooked me up before :tup:

I have Nextel. I have had service everywhere I have gone. The bill sucks though. I have NEVER had a dropped call, in the year that I have had them.

You probably dont leave the cities and interstates much then.

Please hold while the nextel subscriber is being located.

Id say verizon. Ive had it for 2 years with very few problems. Service is great compared to what i had with sprint.

ahahahahaha :lol:

shittttt knee grow, that’s all you had to say! /jules